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I have been wanting to make movies my whole life. I am barely getting into this just as I am about to turn 20, and I have been doing a lot of research on what is needed to make a movie but would like some advice from anyone with previous experience. So my question is, What is needed to make an independent film? I know a good computer and camera are in order. But what kind of computer and what kind of camera and lenses and maybe also what kind of mics? I am looking into a DSLR. And also, what kind of software is recommended? Keep in mind I am a one man crew and on a budget. But any help is appreciated.
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What is needed to make an independent film?

Preparation, planning & patience.

what kind of software is recommended?

Have you done any editing yet? Have you tried the free Windows Movie Maker editing software (or Apple's equiv)? For some people, that's more than enough to get started on the first few projects. Maybe spend bucks getting fancier editing software when you're familiar with what you're lacking. Cheap (but decent) upgrades include Sony Vegas & Adobe Premiere Elements. (for Windows, anyway)

Keep in mind I am a one man crew and on a budget. But any help is appreciated.

Meet some movie-making friends. Help out & learn on their films. They can do the same for you. If they own gear, that's more that you don't need to buy or rent. No filmmaker is an island.

'sup. :cool:
I have done some editing on windows movie maker back in high school for some projects I did. But I am looking for something more advanced. I have been looking into Adobe Production Premium CS6. I also want to do a little bit of animation into my films and I understand After Effects is a great program to do so. I am a quick learner so I will catch on eventually. If you have any other recommendations, it will be very much appreciated.
And where I live there isn't a lot of other people that share the same passion for movie making as I do. they usually want to just make stupid little YouTube videos, which I don't have a problem with but I want to take this more seriously and tell stories and not screw around like they do.
The first question you need to answer is "what is your budget?"

A decent quality prosumer production sound kit will set you back about $2,500. You can scale that back a little bit, but will sacrifice ease of use and upgradability. The absolute raw basics of audio post will set you back about another $2,500, not including room treatment.

BTW, I agree with Zensteve;

What is needed to make an independent film?

Preparation, planning & patience.

The only thing he left out is that you need them in mega-quantities. Some talent helps, as does wonderful people skills.
Production Sound: ($600) ($150) ($300) ($25 * 2 = $50) ($80) ($35 * 3 = $105) ($100)

Optional: ($50 * 10 = $500)

Audio Post: ($900) ($2k) ($300 * 2 = $600) ($950)

This, of course, just scratches the surface of production and post sound.

As always, I recommend that you hire a professional or hook up with an ambitious, knowledgeable up-and-comer.

BTW, hiring a pro and sitting with him/her while they do the audio post on your project will teach you more in ten hours than you could learn reading a dozen books, watching hundreds of YouTube videos and reading thousands of forum posts.
My budget is set at anywhere between $5,000 and $7,000

That budget puts you in the T3i, T2i, GH2 range for camera models. This will allow you enough room to buy some audio stuff as mentioned above. Then you will need a computer to edit all this on. If you go the Mac route minimum you are looking at is $2700 for a laptop. Then Adobe CS6 is another $500-$2500 depending on what version you get. None of that takes into account lighting either.
First, you need a good screenplay.

Your film will most likely be short and low budget so stick to one character and their singular conflict.

ACT 1.) Introduce the character. The audience wants to know who the protagonist is. Make it simple and pithy.
ACT 2.) The problem. What does your character need to accomplish? Does he need to stop a bank robbery? Is she trying to leave an abusive boyfriend? Is there a bully that needs defeating?
ACT 3.) Resolution. How does your character resolve the conflict?

This guideline needs only your creativity to write a great film. Good luck!
The script and story I have no problem with. I am still in the process of writing it right now. And yes it is a short film but I am breaking my story up into 2 short films most likely 30 mins each. Im just curious as to what I need for production and post production. Equipment and software mostly. Also what sort of equipment is good for lighting? I know this is a big part of the production process. So any recommendations is appriecated.
The script and story I have no problem with. I am still in the process of writing it right now. And yes it is a short film but I am breaking my story up into 2 short films most likely 30 mins each. Im just curious as to what I need for production and post production. Equipment and software mostly. Also what sort of equipment is good for lighting? I know this is a big part of the production process. So any recommendations is appriecated.

You'll need 3 lights for most setups. I have two softboxes and a backlight that I use. It can be something as simple as 3 can lights though your results will probably vary with them.
Why would you spend 1000 dollars on AE or Premiere as someone mentioned above ? Just torrent download it ,lets be honest ,you are just starting out whats the point of spending so much money on software when you can get it for free ?

I mean if you are anywhere near proffesional or something okey but you are just a beginner .
What is needed to make an independent film?

Your question is too vague :P Are you asking what is needed to make a great independent film, or simply an independent film in general?

You can make an independent film with a handycam and some friends from school.

To make a great independent film, you first and foremost need a great story and great screenplay. You then need to back it up with great actors and a great Director.

And then so many more things ;)
I have looked into downloading it for free but I cannot find any clean copies of the full version of the Adobe programs I would like to get. Do you know of anywhere I can get it for cheaper or free maybe with the full version but a clean version of it?
And the question was more along the line of equipment and software for the production and post production process. I have a number of scripts I have worked on in the past but I am working on one now that I will film as my first short film simply beacause I am most satisfied with the story I have written out. As for the actors and Director, I will be directing and editing. I will most likely be a one man crew on my first short film, which I have absolutely no problem with, I mean Robert Rodriquez did his first feature film all by himself back in 91. So why cant I do it with better resources and equipment these days. I myself hope to be a great director someday. I am covered on the actors as well, as I was in drama all through my middle schooland high school career and know plenty of actors with great talent.
I have looked into downloading it for free but I cannot find any clean copies of the full version of the Adobe programs I would like to get. Do you know of anywhere I can get it for cheaper or free maybe with the full version but a clean version of it?

Do you know how to torrent, or use pirate bay? I don't use them personally I'm against it, but I've searched it and know they are there....

The only one to legally get it for free is to download the 30day trial which is easy, the adobe creative cloud also makes it much cheaper in the long run. If you're a student you can get it at a massively discounted price. If you're not get a friend who is a student to use their details to purchase it
I have looked into downloading it for free but I cannot find any clean copies of the full version of the Adobe programs I would like to get. Do you know of anywhere I can get it for cheaper or free maybe with the full version but a clean version of it?

Stealing software is no different than stealing movies or shop lifting. It is still a crime. How would you feel if you released something and others just took it for free? Work within your means. If you can't legally afford the Adobe Suite then buy Sony Vegas for $150 if you can't afford that stick with Window's Movie Maker till you can afford to upgrade.
I know of pirate bay and torrents. I do not particularly agree with them simply because it is stealing. but I dont really mind spending the money on the full version of adobe. I just look at it as an investment to my future. But spending less on it would be nice. Or maybe getting it free but in a more legal manner.
I know of pirate bay and torrents. I do not particularly agree with them simply because it is stealing. but I dont really mind spending the money on the full version of adobe. I just look at it as an investment to my future. But spending less on it would be nice. Or maybe getting it free but in a more legal manner.

As I said I don't support it either.

If you don't mind, then go ahead :) the cheapest you'll get is student deals