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New Screen Broadcasting wants your films...

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Listen, I'm just speaking from my experience, all of which was based in truth and was spoken as such. The fact that you got a different result from those other venues only solidifies my cae that everyone will get different treatment regardless of their merits. I hope that's not a point of soreness, but it's certainly no lie either.

Honestly, citing dates and examples wouldn't help me exactly as I don't doubt that you're telling the truth, but I need to you to realize that I too am telling the truth, but from another individual's experiences.

And not only have I worked with MOST of the people you've quoted, I've worked FOr them. I designed the program opens for about 5% of the content on IFC and I've been a "preferred vendor" at Sundance for two years. I've alos exhibited work at nearly every level from "Bob's Country Bunker to Cannes with either good, and not so good results. But the experience is there. I speak from it, not about it.

And I though that you and I had resolved the personal issues outside of the forum. if you prefer to let this die off and leave it in the wake versus continuing to poke me with a hot coal...keep coming, but I warn you, my critique gets worse before it gets better...and it only benefits those with potential to understand it.

John Nash was canned a few months ago for unrelated HBO problems, and Big Film Shorts actually re-evolved itself to do other types of work...but trust me when I tell you, they (HBO) DO accept any work within the right confines. New, old, seasoned and even total crap like mine...but they do prefer to have the best crap out there.

Nice shot about the "already broadcasting and they don't charge $30"...which are both true but with respect to New Screen, they are unfortunately untrue. That's what I'm claiming. Your lack of clairity on the subject is both baffling and insulting to filmmakers all over the world. To insinuate that EVERYONE must pay an entry fee, when I've stated that my own was waived proves that you are not interested in self-promotion or successful filmmaking. I respect that and repectfully decline to partake of any further foolishness, for you, on behalf of New Screen or because you're not listening to reason. Also, I run a banner ad for my business...I'm not in the business of promoting unbeneficial ventuires...but that's just me.

Your mileage may vary.

With respect to the moderator...I'd love it if you'd just pound this entire topic down to the original post just so that someone doesn't get the idea that New Screen is disingenuine because of Mr. Boo's false claims and uninformed guesswork. I'd love to oblige by killing this one dead in it's tracks, and I like this forum...but this kind of throat slashing only leads to bad press for the community. Just my opinion obviously.

As an FYI - I got a reply today from New Screen. They said that one sponser from NAB may be paying for ALL the May 15th submission fees, and they will let me know.

Also of interst is that they are initially running WITHOUT commercials for an indeterminate amount of time. This negates most of my own arguements...

For that I apologize.

MM - you read that post after I sent the PM.
This thread is now closed. It got out of hand.

munkittrick, please feel free to post a new thread, but be prepared to answer questions if you do not disclose all info in your post.

Folks - please be civil and ask your questions without prejudice. These are the Classified Ads.
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