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New Logo

Chimp Phobia, no, I did not make it. My girlfriend freelances and she made the logo for us.
Cyrogenic, that version, yes. That will be our smaller logo for posters and dvds. We will be releasing our large, more detailed and fully colored logo along with our first short film this September.
GuerrilaAngel, yes, I made sure of it. One of our creative people Griffin Hartter put it on our movie poster he took to Comic Con in Boston today.

The logo can be seen on the teaser poster for The Illusory, our upcoming sci-fi short.
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Chimp Phobia, no, I did not make it. My girlfriend freelances and she made the logo for us.
Cyrogenic, that version, yes. That will be our smaller logo for posters and dvds. We will be releasing our large, more detailed and fully colored logo along with our first short film this September.
GuerrilaAngel, yes, I made sure of it. One of our creative people Griffin Hartter put it on our movie poster he took to Comic Con in Boston today.

The logo can be seen on the teaser poster for The Illusory, our upcoming sci-fi short.

Your girlfriend did an awesome job :)

I can't wait to see it!
Curious if anyone has picked up a message or details about the logo? There are hidden ones and obvious ones. The reason I loved this logo the most and chose it is because everything means something in it. Perhaps my "conspiracy theory" people or world history people may see some. Or my chemists out there.
Some obelisks, the all seeing eye from the bill and an organic molecule I can't recognize right now. Sort of looks like tryptophan. So my guess is that the message is that the gov is monitoring peoples dreams or sending covert messages via dreams?
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Some obelisks, the all seeing eye from the bill and an organic molecule I can't recognize right now. Sort of looks like tryptophan. So my guess is that the message is that the gov is monitoring peoples dreams or sending covert messages via dreams?

Obelisks/pyramids, the all seeing eye and the molecule is Dymethlytriptomine or DMT (i'm hoping DMT stands out in "DiMiTri's")

The logo as a whole, however, is not an indication to my beliefs or any other member of Dimitri's Dream.

The obelisks line up to scale with the three major locations of the largest pyramids in the world.
Look at a map of the Earth. Mexico, Egypt, and Malaysia's coordinates scale to the separation of the "I's or obelisks" in Dimitri's.

The whole idea of Dimitri's Dream is creativity and no genre limit. Any idea of any length may get produced.
In this way, a dream can be anything. The fractiling you see throughout the logo is a design seen everywhere throughout the universe. Veins throughout the entire body, trees and their branches, cells and neurons, to galaxies spread throughout our universe.
This pattern is seen everywhere, hopefully it all ties in and sends an interesting message that can be interpreted by each individual differently, yet touch the same basis for everyone in some ways as well.

Maybe we're all eccentrically crazy over here, who knows.

We do all appreciate the feedback though!!!
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