announcement NEW: Local Networking Groups, Etc.

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IndieTalk Founder
Staff Member
Now You can create your own groups that act like mini forums that you control.

Just click the Community tab, then go to Social Groups.

Create groups based on filmmaking topics, or create a local filmmaking groups for your area.

If you have a production company create a group for your team! Or create fan clubs!

Even off-topic stuff.

Groups is an awesome idea. I hope it takes off :)

One question, I'm not sure what purpose it serves, really, but I see that all the groups have a member count and a picture count. I can't seem to find where one can upload the pictures. Given that I haven't seen a group yet that has pictures, I wonder if this is some glitch of some kind.

Either way.... w00t
There's strength in numbers!!! If we all come together... we could start another film industry... It's been done before... it can be done again.
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