For an "outside" opinion, I showed the video to one of my sons with no context or explanation given on my part. He's not a "gamer" but has played his fair share of (online) video games ... and also happens to have just obtained a Masters in cybersecurity. His reaction and comments :
- he recognised straight away that it was the introduction to an interactive video game, along the lines of a CYOA story. Worth pointing out that, although he is very familiar with the original CYOA series, he doesn't see the concept as particularly innovative in today's interactive-everything environment.
I wouldn't say there's anything particularly innovative on the client end. It's the background math that's changed so much. We're able to produce the same number of animation frames in a day that was previously possible in a year. It's kind of a shift in scale, with modern content creators getting paid fractional cents on the dollar vs their 80s counterparts.
I think people often imagine that I'm trying to do some breakthrough thing with storytelling, but realistically, something of this scale will devolve into pulp fiction in many instances. I see it as a nexus of interconnected stories, rather than any new type of story. I think a lot of creative things could happen in an ecosystem where directors and writers can branch off from each other in mid story, creating new stories from existing situations
- he was most struck by the contrast between the hi-def rendering of the "world" and the lesser quality rendering of the animation, which he's seen in several other games and considers it quite off-putting. As someone who grew up with the original Minecraft, he says that he expects blocky/jerky animations to take place in blocky/pixelly environments. Where there's too much of a difference between the character and the world, it indicates to him that the game designers are pulling elements in from too many different sources. I think this ties in with your own comments above about South Park and the like.
Yeah, this is a budget thing, and the price tag difference is bigger than you think. Prefab animals like this are only a few hundred dollars, and you can modify them and work on them from a kind of kit. Engineering a custom character requires a few specialists, and I've heard people that got handed 25 million dollars lamenting about how they could only afford a few of them. (within that budget slice of course)
I do know what you mean, and it seems to bother different people different amounts. Some really hate that contrast, and some have no issue and enjoy the animation. I have a great deal more control over the look of the world than I do the cat animation.
The real problem is that I'm more of an expert at level design and cinematography than I am at character animation. If we can hire at least one, it would no doubt go a long way.
- never mind the bots: worry about the seriously motivated human cheaters! Son said that he'd attack this with pen and paper (as he has done with other games of the same kind ... and indeed the CYOA books). At the very least, if he was chasing the prize, he'd skip straight to the choice at the end and not waste time admiring the scenery.
Well, this is why I think this is a fun game on my end, lol. I have to solve this puzzle, where maybe 20,000 people try to game the system at once, and I have to be one step ahead of all of them at all times. I'm probably going to loose a bit of cash at the beginning, but I gain experience over time, and control the odds ultimately, so I'll win if I can draw a crowd, no question.
To be more specific, I'm doing some things to make it tricky to win. Skipping to the choice every time won't work, there will be clues that vastly improve one's chances. It should be nearly impossible to solve with brute force, or I'll go broke, because that's the first thing they will try.
- in subsequent discussion, both of us have the same question:
"where's the prize money coming from?" If there's a pay-per visit fee - which now you say there isn't - then that'd at least generate some income from blunt-force attempts to find the right route; but if it's driven by ad-revenue ... what ads? I haven't seen a YouTube ad for years, and have got pretty adept at skipping over overt product endorsement (except for Jay Foreman's

Ad revenue is worse than ever before, and you really need to rack up some views to make a dent. That's why this whole thing is built around driving chain views, also an important metric for google's algorithm. For people without a youtube ad blocker, ads play on every few videos, and probably we'll enable just a banner ad at the bottom. I'll need to prime it, but it should be self sustaining, at some level. The hope is that reinvestment in advertising will allow it to scale up. What I'm probably going to do is offer stock to a youtuber who already had millions of subscribers, sell him or her on the mechanics and potential, and then I should be in business, minus 10% or so.
- and a pedantic linguistic point: the terms "maze" and "labyrinth" are not freely interchangeable! To us Europeans, a labyrinth is a tortuous path that always leads to the prize at the centre, so requires only the determination to keep going forward (even if "forward" often seems like "backward"). The choice is Go On or Give Up, but there are no dead ends or circular paths such as you find in a maze. Perhaps something to bear in mind when targetting an international, multi-cultural audience.
Actually, that's very interesting. I personally like the word Labyrinth much better as a title. I'm actually planning to make this multilingual, but as far as varying cultures reactions to certain names, it's a cross that bridge when I get there mentality.
One thing is for sure, I think that I need to make it so it takes a lot of determination to complete that maze. The prizes wouldn't be very big if 2k people showed up and one solved it in an hour. That's probably 50 bucks in profit max.
Lastly, I've thought about stuff like sponsorships and product placement. It's a good idea, and it would work, but I feel like it would really compromise the experience for users. Suspension of disbelief is of course a big deal, and if this thing started to look like a nascar, I think a good bit of the mystery would be gone. If I could put a sprite machine in the occasional hallway and it paid for the whole thing, it would be a hard call. I'd probably do it, just to get out of cycle lock on the financial end.
Anyway thanks for having your kid take a look at it. It's really helpful to hear feedback from all kinds of audiences.