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watch New Episode of Something to Be Desired


We're three episodes in on our new season of Something to Be Desired -- a Pittsburgh-based comedy-drama -- and I thought you might be interested in checking it out. The episode itself can be viewed via http://www.somethingtobedesired.com/media/ep1c.wmv (for the PCers) or http://www.somethingtobedesired.com/media/ep1c.mov (for the MACers). If you like what you see -- or if you'd like to put this one in some kind of context -- you can see earlier episodes at our site: http://www.somethingtobedesired.com

I tend not to watch plain drama-based soaps online, but I kinda enjoyed this one. :blush:

The characters are rather likeable, and the acting was better than I expected. The final scene was a bit cliched, but it was something that most fellas should be *easily* able to relate to. :evil:

Btw, the audio in the .mov version gets really scratchy, after a few minutes. The .wmv does not have the same problem.

Zensteve, thanks for the feedback. I know we're a little more "dramedy" than the web usually encourages, but I like to think we strike a good balance. Thanks for giving us a shot!

I've noticed the scratchy audio on the MOV version myself, but in the beginning rather than the end. It seems I'll need to "up" the compressor I use -- but I've always noticed an audio deficiency in QT as opposed to WMV...

Oddly, the WMV versions of our episodes are viewed anywhere from 3 to 6 times more often than the MOV versions. Go figure...

As for guys being able to relate to the final scene, I have a sneaking suspicion most women out there can too...