• You are welcome to promote here, but members are also welcome to reply with their opinions.

New Distributor Seeking Films

It's even more clear to me now how much ground we have to make up in the filmmaker, distributor relationship.

If this company does one thing I want it to be that filmmakers feel good about us.

Thanks for the good wishes, good lucks, and those of you that sent us your films--it means a lot.


Sorry to hear about you being burned by a distributor, but I'm glad it motivated you to start your own distribution company!

I've got a feature in post-production now, and I'll be looking for a distributor shortly. Just a couple of quick questions -- How do your services differ from, for instance, Chill, which is now defunct, and other similar sites? Any up-front fees? Do you handle all marketing and advertising, and what's your usual percentage?

If you prefer, we could move this discussion to email.

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