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watch NEW camera. First Test!

Well i received my New Panasonic Lumix Gh1 camera and a canon Fd 50mm 1.8 lens last week and today i finaly received my Fd to m4/3 adater. So Hear is my first test With my New camera and lens. I have not hacked it yet but i probably will soon.


No effects or color corect. What do you guys think of the footage?
A cheap DIY shoulder mount and a follow focus (like a stick in a band around the focus ring) will help ur shots and rack focusing to be smoother.

And if u didnt do any effects or colour grading, then did u mean to have a bluish cast in some shots? If u did, thats fine and ur personal aesthetic choice. In case u didnt mean for that to happen, then you have to learn how to white balance correctly.
Yah, dunno how GH cameras handle whitebalance or Kelvin temps, but that's one of the first things to look up.

You dog/star is cute. :blush:
A cheap DIY shoulder mount and a follow focus (like a stick in a band around the focus ring) will help ur shots and rack focusing to be smoother.

And if u didnt do any effects or colour grading, then did u mean to have a bluish cast in some shots? If u did, thats fine and ur personal aesthetic choice. In case u didnt mean for that to happen, then you have to learn how to white balance correctly.

Yah, dunno how GH cameras handle whitebalance or Kelvin temps, but that's one of the first things to look up.

Yeah the color wasnt on purpose i think it was actualy on auto lmao i know i gotta work on the settings and im going to

You dog/star is cute. :blush:

Haha thanks :D He even acted in it for free!
Usually you can go into settings, find the white balance option and pick out the white from a plain white surface. I carry around a white notecard in my pocket to everywhere I shoot to get the perfect white.
Usually you can go into settings, find the white balance option and pick out the white from a plain white surface. I carry around a white notecard in my pocket to everywhere I shoot to get the perfect white.

I havnt seen any settings like that but yet again i wasnt looking. lol i will look though.

On the other hand i found out that my white balance on all of those shots was set to 2500k im not sure what that means.

Also i have just hacked my Gh1 Now a Gh17 to use the 44Mbit and native 24p Im not sure if their will be a big difference in picture quality. Maby i should raise to 70MBit but idk. Im going to do some test footage with the hack to compare to my first test footage. Then maby more tests with a higher bit rate
Until you get white balance figured out, set it to AWB.

Also, don't mess with the hack at this point.

For a cheap shoulder mount go with Cowboy Studio. GH's are impossible almost to shoot handheld without support. Monopod is another option.
Until you get white balance figured out, set it to AWB.

Also, don't mess with the hack at this point.

For a cheap shoulder mount go with Cowboy Studio. GH's are impossible almost to shoot handheld without support. Monopod is another option.

That footage was on a tripod but the tripod is verry light wich causes it to move when i focus and pan. Also the tripod was on carpet wich also causes alot of movement.

When you say dont mess with the hack at this point, Do you mean leave it at the 44Mbit that i already did or revert back to original? Also why do you sugest that?
When you say dont mess with the hack at this point, Do you mean leave it at the 44Mbit that i already did or revert back to original? Also why do you sugest that?

Oh sorry. You seemed unfamiliar with white balance so I assumed you weren't particularly tech fluent, but if you've done the hack, so much for that preconception. Absolutely, if you're okay with the hack by all means stay with it. It really enhances performance.

And yes, that's the shoulder rig I have, if you're on a budget, it's tough to beat. I like mine a lot.
Oh sorry. You seemed unfamiliar with white balance so I assumed you weren't particularly tech fluent, but if you've done the hack, so much for that preconception. Absolutely, if you're okay with the hack by all means stay with it. It really enhances performance.

And yes, that's the shoulder rig I have, if you're on a budget, it's tough to beat. I like mine a lot.

Ohh lol:) im really good with tech stuff just new to camera stuff So the hack was fairly simple. Ive seen that same shoulder rig on ebay for about 15 bucks cheaper so maby ill get that. cant really go wrong with a 20 dollar shoulder rig right? But for now untill i have an actual shoot im just conducting tests soo my tripod works lol. Maby ill even jump the ship and get one of those $100 Steadicams :P