Need to figure out what this effect is called.

I've been trying to figure out how to do a certain scene but don't know what the effect is actually called. Its when your subject is in focus and the background is shaking. If anyone has any information on this effect. it would be much appreciated.
Is the subject moving or still? Because you can try to follow the subject with your camera to be in one place of the frame while 'orbiting' around him, which makes the background flow.
That clip looks like everything shakes. Towards the end it looks like the background might have more of a shake then the foreground.

I'm thinking this could be done in After Effects. While I'm learning AE myself, it seems there should be an effect to add shake to a video. Restrict its parameters so it only shakes side to side, and keyframe its intensity over time, so it gets more intense as the clip goes on. Then add motion blur to the footage, so you get that blurry look. If you wanted to get fancy, you could duplicate the footage, create a matte, so your foreground subject is on his own layer, and the background on another. Make the background a bit more intense then the subject up front.

Something along those lines.
Cracker Funk said:
I believe that effect is called shake-the-shit-out-of-the-camera.
I AC'd on a very low budget S16 short quite a while ago. There was a scene where the character was in bed (I assume having a bad dream - never did read the script) and there were strobing red lights. To add intensity, the Director decided to shake the crap out of the camera. The DP had it balanced on a cine saddle and took the weight of it, whilst the Director held it at the top (it was an SR2 with the little handle at the top) and just frantically shook it around.

I set focus before each take and just let them do their thing.

Was a cool look, not too dissimilar from the example posted. Certainly achieved what the Director wanted

You don't always need a high-tech solution to problems :)