Need suggestions for a single shot film

Hey guys..
my first post on the forums. :)

I have to make a 1 minute single shot film for an assignment. The theme is 'time'. I am not able to think of something interesting for a single shot. Any suggestions??
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Tell us more about the assignment.
What are the directions given.
(We got the 60second and single shot parts. ;))

Narrative story?
Not people/scenery/bird on the fence?

Edited the first post. The theme is time. It should not be a documentary and it can have actors, narration etc. but there should not be any editing at all. It could be anything related to concept of time or a watch etc.. Thanks..
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What criteria will your submission be evaluated on?


You could film planes landing/taking off.
Cars driving.
People walking.
Ducks in the water paddling.
The garbage or mail truck moving its way down the street.
Do you have a boat?

If you have a boat, you could do what Orson Welles planned on doing: one continuous take from the captain's perspective as he heads down the river. He intended on using "Heart of Darkness" as a basis but I'm sure you could write a monologue of your own- something to do with time?
You could do one with makeup. Have a younger person looking out a window. Break down into quarter segments. Each segment person will look older. You do a cut to apply makup so technically no edit required.
It should be a documentary and it can have actors, narration etc.

I agree with ItDonnedOnMe. Your description is contradictory; documentaries do not have actors or narration.

Time related ideas....

New Years Eve countdown
End of a football/soccer/basketball/hockey game
Getting to school/work/whatever on time
Waiting for X o'clock to you can leave school/work/whatever
Bored to death and time is dragging
Track and field (the quarter mile is about a minute)
You have a minute to live
A guy setting his watch to the clock on the wall, walks into another room and the clock on THAT wall is completely different. He sets his watch to THAT time, and walks into a third room with a clock with no hands... he struggles to find a way to set his watch to this timeless clock and explodes (or something, I'm not good with endings.)
Stand as still as possible in the middle of a busy sidewalk in a city and film for an hour or two, or as long as you can. Then speed up the footage to fit into a minute timelapse. Everyone will be walking quickly around you, and you will be standing there (theoretically) not moving.
get ur actors to move extremely slow and perform some sort of simple 'act' between them.
speed up the footage and you have a small scene with a timelapse as background
looks nice with the right lens.
Open with a guy running flat out, in hurry to get somewhere obviously important, he checks his watch.. looks like its 2:00 or whatever..
Hes blocked by this and that, cars, dogs, what ever crazy things you can think of.
The action is non stop for 50 seconds. Finally in the last few seconds, we see the goal, he approaches the goal, what is it? Its a service counter of some kind.. its up to you WHAT he missed but whats important is that he missed it by "1 minute"
A sign reads.
Gates closed at 2:00 PM: No Exceptions

Maybe its the last elevator ride out of hell,
maybe its free concert tickets,
maybe its a new life saving medical treatment trial,
maybe its the last train out of town and hes now trapped in the city that he just planted a nuke in..
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I have to make a 1 minute single shot film for an assignment. The theme is 'time'.

Technically, he's within the rules if ya stretch em a little.... He has to make a minute single shot

It never specified duration. (though this is debatable)

I see all the watch-related suggestions had some impact on you