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Need short films as examples for college club showing...

Next week, my college hosts what they call Activity Day, where each club is given a table to display what they do to draw more students in.

Since I am running the Cinema Society (film making club), I obviously will be showing videos we have shot, but would like to, in addition, show some videos made by other independent film makers for inspirational purposes. Credit will certainly be given (just keep the credits you put into your videos) and I will provide links to your videos posted online, so you can get more hits. Anyone interested in being honored?

We only have the 3 short films on my youtube account (kingpin's formula, vengeance in 2 minutes, and Hall of Wrath, though I may possibly include Deranged Harry Potter Fans of RNY) right now, unless other members of the club happen to have any.

So, if you are interested in having your video being shown to a large audience at a college, and possibly getting more hits on it online, (you deserve this!) please let me know! Thank you!
Thank you, guys! I will be taking a look at them sometime today once I'm done with classes!

Zensteve, both will work, the important thing is that they show what independent film makers have achieved, give something that students could look at as something good they could aspire to, and show the creativity and enjoyment in film making.

I forgot to mention, though I'm sure it's common knowledge, they do need to be appropriate for viewing at a college, so there can definitely be no nudity or anything like that.

Thank you indietalk founder for moving the thread accordingly, I totally missed that Call for Entries thing!