Need "Recorders & Mics" within the "Tools of the Trade" Sub-Forum

Need "Recorders & Mics" within the "Tools of the Trade" Sub-Forum

Considering it's every bit as valid to record quality audio as video, it would be "appreciated" by us nubes if some IndieTalk information technology personnel could add on a "Audio Gear" to the "Tools of the Trade" section.
It's conspicuously absent, if not overtly swept into the "Equipment & Gear" catch-all bin.

If we have "Camera & Lenses" we certainly need "Recorders & Mics".
A little organizational parity would be great.

ADDENDUM: "Thank you!" Wheatgrinder for bringing this section to the attention of me and my fellow nubes. Gracias!
Agreed. Our audio guys are so very gracious with their time, but it would be great to have a "101" sub-forum to spell them from questions that come up over and over again.
We get pinged for (lazy) failure to perform a basic search when we don't know our XLR jacks from our elbows.

Frankly, it's impossible to conduct a productive search until you know enough to get into trouble.
The best way is to have a "Recorders and Mics" sub-forum so that we can just peruse and learn across enough random material that we kinda find two coconuts and a stick and go "Hey! I can do something with this" (Don't ask me what. It's just a principle).

I suh-wear to the nube gods that as soon as I can wrap my little pea-brain around what's what I'll throw together a chart of "If you're THIS high (AKA: financed) you should have THIS equipment to do THIS task".
Ain't no sense in telling one man DIY writer/director/producers they need $2,500 of audio equipment to go with their <$600 HandiCam. (Stares ever so slightly not politely).

At WHAT point do we skip over the incremental improvements and just jump up to "The Next Level"?
I dunno. But as soon as I figure it out I'll make a chart something like this:

Got one of these:
Don't worry about it.

Got this:
Don't worry about it.

Got this:
Eh... you might wanna consider X Y or Z in case you wanna do A B or C.

Got this:
Okay, now you can quit putzin' around. Get this stuff: Blah blah blah.

Got this:
WTH are you doing buying sh!t like that if you don't know WTH you're doing with audio?!
Whatever. (Dumb@ss). Buy this package: Blah blah blah.​

And there's no sense in telling nubes to rent audio equipment and hire audio (semi)pros for a project that might randomly coalesce when the KayoPectate kicks in.
That's just for big boys playing college and pro ball.

Many of us are still playing flag-football. And we're not exactly clear on where the foul ball lines are. I think they're somewhere between that oak tree over there and the corner of Mrs Johnson's garage. Whatever.
(H3ll. Some of us just playing chase/catch-me-if-you-can!)
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We get pinged for (lazy) failure to perform a basic search when we don't know our XLR jacks from our elbows.

Frankly, it's impossible to conduct a productive search until you know enough to get into trouble.
The best way is to have a "Recorders and Mics" sub-forum so that we can just peruse and learn across enough random material that we kinda find two coconuts and a stick and go "Hey! I can do something with this" (Don't ask me what. It's just a principle).

I suh-wear to the nube gods that as soon as I can wrap my little pea-brain around what's what I'll throw together a chart of "If you're THIS high (AKA: financed) you should have THIS equipment to do THIS task".
Ain't no sense in telling one man DIY writer/director/producers they need $2,500 of audio equipment to go with their <$600 HandiCam. (Stares ever so slightly not politely).

At WHAT point do we skip over the incremental improvements and just jump up to "The Next Level"?
I dunno. But as soon as I figure it out I'll make a chart something like this:

Got one of these:
Don't worry about it.

Got this:
Don't worry about it.

Got this:
Eh... you might wanna consider X Y or Z in case you wanna do A B or C.

Got this:
Okay, now you can quit putzin' around. Get this stuff: Blah blah blah.

Got this:
WTH are you doing buying sh!t like that if you don't know WTH you're doing with audio?!
Whatever. (Dumb@ss). Buy this package: Blah blah blah.​

And there's no sense in telling nubes to rent audio equipment and hire audio (semi)pros for a project that might randomly coalesce when the KayoPectate kicks in.
That's just for big boys playing college and pro ball.

Many of us are still playing flag-football. And we're not exactly clear on where the foul ball lines are. I think they're somewhere between that oak tree over there and the corner of Mrs Johnson's garage. Whatever.
(H3ll. Some of us just playing chase/catch-me-if-you-can!)

LOL, very well said and I feel for you all the way,

I'm in support 100%
I've talked to several people who at different times have judged film festivals. #1 complaint from all of them is BAD AUDIO.
And, as they say, people will watch bad visuals if the audio is good, but great visuals with bad audio is unwatchable.