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watch Need opinions on Artistic/experimental film

Very cool! REALLY made me want to have a cigarette.

The last shot was killer.

Gorgeous, but I'm not really sure what you are trying to say. Maybe you're not, and these are just gorgeous shots of smoke.

My only other critique might be length...I was wondering about halfway through if it was just going to be more shots of smoke. I understand 3 minutes isn't very long, but remember: with any kind of bold artistic or experimental statement, it always helps to remove everything but what is absolutely essential. Always ask yourself if there is anything you can remove and still make the same statement.
Very good.

This one is al about smoke. Love the part around 1.36 and the ending climax.
Wat I also liket, is that there is some kind of smoke comunication in this movie. Jou did slow some parts down....did jou?Jou should be working for Marboro.
Thanks to you both. I did in fact slow these clips down and reversed them. And yes this was just more of a nice video to display the beauty in smoke.
Im tring to make more artistic videos like these so you guys should check out my channel

The footage is beautiful, but I'm sorry, I gotta be honest -- I'm really turned off by what appears to be glorification of a very unhealthy habit. Does that make me a grumpy old man?

You do deserve credit for the footage, however -- it really does look great.
ha thanks for your comment man. But Yeah i dont wont to glorify this nasty habit. I dont even smoke myself. I just wanted to get some nice footage.