howdy. quick question here.
are there any sites online that would be favorable to buy from over other sites that offer the same thing? I'm having trouble getting my search terms right for the actual name of the product i'm looking for ( I'm looking to buy three corded light sockets just like this one to use as lights at an upcoming indoor shoot. my main concerns are the wattage being bright enough to light an otherwise dark room and reasonable prices of both the sockets and bulbs that would be used with them. has anyone here ever used simple corded light sockets like this? any tips or warnings?
are there any sites online that would be favorable to buy from over other sites that offer the same thing? I'm having trouble getting my search terms right for the actual name of the product i'm looking for ( I'm looking to buy three corded light sockets just like this one to use as lights at an upcoming indoor shoot. my main concerns are the wattage being bright enough to light an otherwise dark room and reasonable prices of both the sockets and bulbs that would be used with them. has anyone here ever used simple corded light sockets like this? any tips or warnings?