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Need Help! Lighting on tram

I really need some advice how I would do lighting on a moving tram? I can't use actual lights seeing as there is nowhere to source electricity from. I know I could use reflectors to bounce light onto the actors, but I was wondering if there is any other methods?
hi jasmine

i too am from melbourne

reflectors may work but will vary the light as they pass through
shadow. white poly would be more consistant.

light wise you would need battery driven lights and the most long lasting battery wise would be led's or 12 volt dedos.

i would suggest a couple of light panels and a couple of dedos
(you can rebulb the dedos with as low as 50 watt globes).
you can power both with 12 volt gel cell batteries.

i am a gaffer based in melbourne and am happy to discuss your
needs with you or your dop

Here's an idea, although I'm not sure how well you can can accomplish this, seeing as how you probably can't afix lights to the inside of it, probably?

This is a still from Tony Scott's Unstoppable from inside a Locomotive's cab (An SD40-2 Late Phase, to be precise...i digress...)

Now, those two light above the window by Chris Pine, and the massive array of lights over Denzel Washington's head do NOT actually exist in this model of locomotive. A few railroad spurchased them with a few interior lights, most locomotives of this era (built in the 70's-90's) did not have interior lighting, and the ones that did do not look that way.

Now. The great thing about this movie is the general public masses won't know this much about trains, so they can throw around a lot of technicall sounding Bullsh** and no one will really know better except us foaming railfans. Same with the lights. They light the scene nicely, but you probably never would've known locomotives don't have interior lights (especially not that dammed many!) if I didn't say anyhting here?

Might be helpful.
x2 on things like light panels, or Rosco's lightpads if you can find some. Come to think of it, Lightpads would work really well in an application like John suggested with the screen shot.
hi jasmine

you would be better hiring the gear it would work out cheaper for you.

in melbourne you can hire from

hi jasmine,
if you go to lemac dont mention my name....i think i owe them money..........ha ha just kidding

feel free to give me a ring on 0415 682 647 if you need to discuss the set up
hi murdock

i have been a profesional gaffer for ten years
i have two agents and my number advertised everywhere
and the same mobile number for 15 years

i dont think my mobile number is a big secret.............but thanks for caring
