need help for a cinéforum in brazil!!!

Hey guys,

I need some help! i´m working as a voluntary in Brazil, Vítoria in a favela/ghetto with youths.
I want to start a new project where i want to show films to the kids and discuss after the movie about the subject the movie talked of. so what i need are good movies which makes you think and reflect about things and your life. Specially subjects the kids are related to. Who knows some good movies i could show in this forum?
i think that for the kids it is a good way to stay off of the streets and to use their own heads to think of their lifes. i´m really motivated to do this project and i hope i can find help here!

i already thank you for your answers,

Hey there- really cool idea- hope it works.

a few on the subject of drugs:
-Basketball Diaries
-Requiem For a Dream

on philosophy/spiritual kinda stuff:
-Waking Life
-What Dreams May Come
-Pi (Filmy mentioned it above as well)

-Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
-Boys don't cry (tough one for kids...)

Also, I'd look into Social Documentaries... lots out right now on all subjects, from Global Warming (An Inconvenient Truth) to the effect of the North American Suburbs (Radiant City) on society... all the way to 9/11 and Iraq...

speaking of Iraq... "Battle For Haditha" is a great flick that really shows you the realities of both sides on the ground in Iraq (it's shot like a narritive, but all the actors in it are very method- all ex-soldiers or refugees). Might be too strong for kids, again, but shows a very unbiased view.

Anyway- there's SOOO much out there... got anything specific in mind?
I can get you a list of movies that we just watched in my international cinema class...and my lecture notes from the class (if you can read my writing).