Name That Film!

Okay, here is the thing. I saw this black and white German film. I cannot remember the title. I am pretty sure it involves the word listen or listener, but I could be wrong. Any way, it is set in post World War II East Germany. There is this playwrite, who the government thinks is writing against Germany. So they get a guy tol tap his home and he listens in from the attack. Then some stuff happens and the guy who is tapping gets demoted, then the Berlin wall falls down and everyone is happy. I love this movie, but for the life of me, I can't remember the title. I think it might be in English, but I could be wrong. Anyway, please help. I've searched the internet and can't find it by plot or keyword. If you don't know the name of the film, but know a website that may have it, please tell.

Thank you.

Yes, of course, I saw a couple of months ago on Cox On Demand. But that is beside the point. For some reason I can't recall the title. It is not only killing me, but I would like to see the movie again, but can't find it.

I wish those were it, but "THE GOOD GERMAN" was made by Warner Brothers. The film I am thinking of is in German, and it is an international film, thus done by German Studios, but thank you very much for looking.

YES, YES, YES, Lives of Others was the right one, I guess I though it was in black and white, but I was wrong. Thank you so much Zensteve, you are a freaking genius. Thank you so much, that is a load off my mind.
See, now I saw that movie at a film festival a couple of years ago.

The guy who was being spied on was a writer. The spies were also watching his girlfriend. I remember it was slow moving initially, but sped up alittle at the end.

-- spinner :cool:
Excellent movie. Saw it a little while ago. I knew you were asking about "The Lives Of Others" but it wasn't B&W. Everyone interested in Indie films should put this on their list of must see movies.