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My short films

I've tried promoting some of my short films here, most recently the revised version I did of "A Day In The Life", but it seems like no one has even responded to it or even noticed it, on this board at least. I did try to enter some of my short films in one festival but they were not accepted. I don't really know how to promote any of my work aside from putting it on Youtube or just trying to enter it in more festivals and hope for the best. How can I better promote my work? How can I get more people to watch my films, even though they're mainly experimental and not "mainstream" or anything? Does anyone have any suggestions on this? If so, please let me know. Thanks.
Can't give any definitive answers, but maybe your films get less attention 'cos they're in the experimental showroom? Most the action happens in Narrative... but that's just 'cos there's more narrative in general, here at any rate.

Where's your latest one at, anyway? I'll look at it.
It's too abstract. There's so much room for the audience to guess at what's being said that you're not really saying anything.

Focus, Daniel-san.