My Psychotic Production Manager... Please Read!

I'm looking for advice for the following story...... please bear with me. I'm so sorry that this is going to be a long post, but anyone who can reply with advice, that would be fantastic:


I joined a small starting-out production company a few months ago. It seemed like they had their stuff in order and had a clear vision on what they wanted to do; a ZOMBIE FILM. Who doesn't love a zombie film?! When I heard of that, I jumped on the band wagon and immediately got drafted as a Director / Cinematographer.

When the script was presented, we realized that it was total crap. I was then assigned the task to re-work the script and add structure, and flow to it, ALL while keeping some of the script-writer's original dialogue (requested by my psychotic production manager). The script-writer verbally agreed. The script was just so bad that, I completely altered the script, rendering it almost nothing like the original. THEN, my psychotic production manager confronted the script-writer about it, and long story short, he quit, making us lose the participation of some of the casted leads who are his friends and took his side.

We dusted ourselves off, and decided that we no longer had to keep ANY of the original script-writer's ideas. So, we got rid of them, and started to create a complex story. Unfortunately, production for this film had already been planned so people could get time off from work, so there was no changing dates. We ran out of time, and were forced to write a simple story. My Production Mananger came up with most of the ideas, told me to write it all up, and then we would film. I became discouraged because I didn't have any of the same visions as she did... but whatever; I continued, and the script became complete.

My psychotic production manager, who HAD to have a small role in this as a zombie, literally acted as the director during this whole production, confused the HELL out of all the actors, and generally pissed off the entire crew; myself included. I, who was the ACTUAL director, had to maintain my composure, and keep my actors happy, as a good director should do. When my psychotic production manager wasn't on set, things went so smoothly, and perfectly. Then when she came around, all hell broke loose.

TODAY was the last day of filming. The morning started out extremely rough because some of our crew and cast were late. Whatever, can't help that. We started production, and what do you know; my PPM went Hitler-crazy.

Long story short, a few of my actors told her off while my assistant director and myself had to keep our composure, and focus on the film. My PPM stormed off and didn't come back. Obviously, EVERYTHING after that point went amazingly well.

You can sort of guess my predicament now. She called me not too long ago saying, "Oh, Hi Danny. You are not using my company name on this film. Bye." in the most rotten tone. I'm not sure what legal aspects I am getting into, and who generally has rights to this footage. THERE WERE NO CONTRACTS, just "release forms" signed by the actors, which my PPM has. I'm just concerned that, because one of the locations was provided by my PPM's friend, is there a possible way he could sue me? How does this work? Could my PPM STOP me from making this because she HAS a small, but significant part in this film???? I need help. I'm not talking to her until she calms the hell down and comes back to Earth.

UPDATE: SHe keeps leaving me harrassing phone calls, claiming that she's going to copyright her idea (which ISN'T even her idea, considering the idea is an adaption of the Wizard of Oz).. and that we cannot use ANY footage because the props in it are property of her production company. >.>

Any advice?????? Reiteration: There were no contracts involved what-so-ever.

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Not to sound harsh by any means, but if I was you I would walk away and never give it a second thought. The reason I say this is because you said you went with a "simple" script, that can't be good. And since minimal money has been invested it just seems to make more sense than deal with this queen of the community theatre program. If you want revenge, call her in 6 months and tell her you sold it for 10 grand. Let her stew in that for a bit and you'll be even, and much wiser from the experience. Take care
Not to sound harsh by any means, but if I was you I would walk away and never give it a second thought. The reason I say this is because you said you went with a "simple" script, that can't be good. And since minimal money has been invested it just seems to make more sense than deal with this queen of the community theatre program. If you want revenge, call her in 6 months and tell her you sold it for 10 grand. Let her stew in that for a bit and you'll be even, and much wiser from the experience. Take care

BAHAHAHAA! That's too good! I'll have to do that!

And yes!!!! Tina--- we kept wishing that we had a camera rolling at all times. I'm thinking of writing everything that happened down and creating something from it. Almost a "Sunset Boulevard" type of piece, except focusing on Production Managers hahaha
And yes!!!! Tina--- we kept wishing that we had a camera rolling at all times. I'm thinking of writing everything that happened down and creating something from it. Almost a "Sunset Boulevard" type of piece, except focusing on Production Managers hahaha

Good idea.. I would write it down while it's still fresh. I'd love to watch something like that. Could be a mocumentary like the Office, as Tinalera said...