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My new website :)

Hey gals/guys! I just want to let you all know I made myself up a website. It's actually been done a while but I haven't uploaded it due to the fact I wanted a comment script on each page and I don't know php. Finally I said screw it and just put it up in all it's static Web 1.0 glory.

I'd love to know what you guys think of it, the good the bad and the ugly.


Oh and if anyone knows some php out there and could maybe just help me get an open source 'plug 'n' play script up, I'd be really grateful. :yes:
Mailto: tags can be a real hassle, and just don't work for most browser-based web-mail services.

You'll get less spam if you break up your email address, too. People are smart enough to recognise it like this:

name at domain.com

Email harvester-bots have a harder time with that, without the giveaway "@". Or you can add a simple Form-To-Email script, and put a Contact Us input form in there.

Website does the job, anyways. :)
Thanks! Great tips on the email Zen and Indie. No wonder I get so much spam, I've had another site up for 9 years with my email all over it.

Updating the film site now. The other will take a lot longer :/