Yesterday the last part I needed for my 35mm adapter came!!! I couldn't wait so I filmed some shots right away. I made a little montage of them and I'd love to know what you all think
Encinema 35mm Adapter + Canon Vixia HF200
Most shots were with a Minolta 50mm f/2 lens. And I think just one is the Minolta 28mm f/2.8 lens.
(HD should be processed soon )
I didn't use any extra lighting besides the daylight and a lamp in a couple shots. Only a few shots have color correction and then it was just some brightness contrast adjustments
Wish I could take care of the camera shake but I think I may just need a decent tripod, or perhaps just having a rail support system would help. I was thinking about seeing if I can figure out the AE motion fixing tool, but I just wanted to get this up fast . (Or maybe I should stop drinking )
Overall I'm really happy with the look and am SUPER excited to see what else I can do with this.
Encinema 35mm Adapter + Canon Vixia HF200
Most shots were with a Minolta 50mm f/2 lens. And I think just one is the Minolta 28mm f/2.8 lens.
(HD should be processed soon )
I didn't use any extra lighting besides the daylight and a lamp in a couple shots. Only a few shots have color correction and then it was just some brightness contrast adjustments
Wish I could take care of the camera shake but I think I may just need a decent tripod, or perhaps just having a rail support system would help. I was thinking about seeing if I can figure out the AE motion fixing tool, but I just wanted to get this up fast . (Or maybe I should stop drinking )
Overall I'm really happy with the look and am SUPER excited to see what else I can do with this.