C cwags Aug 19, 2008 #1 a comedy of a man who still pulls junior high style pranks and how his coworkers deal with his childish antics. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8O9aXYVqazQ Upvote 0
a comedy of a man who still pulls junior high style pranks and how his coworkers deal with his childish antics. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8O9aXYVqazQ
John@Bophe Aug 25, 2008 #6 Yeah that was pretty funny. I Spoiler loved the cutaway to bathroom shot with somebody being held in the urinal. The ironic ending was also great!
Yeah that was pretty funny. I Spoiler loved the cutaway to bathroom shot with somebody being held in the urinal. The ironic ending was also great!
Spatula Aug 31, 2008 #8 Yeah, good stuff. As I wrote on Youtube, the main guy kinda reminded me of Jobe from Arrested Development. Funny guy. What a dick
Yeah, good stuff. As I wrote on Youtube, the main guy kinda reminded me of Jobe from Arrested Development. Funny guy. What a dick
C cwags Sep 4, 2008 #9 thanks alot spatula im glad you enjoyed it. and thanks aswell for the youtube comment