My New, Redisigned Site...

...So what do you guys think? Any suggestions...pretend you're not LOOKING for something wrong with my site. Look at it there anything that makes you think "I can't read this crap", "This is ugly", "Wow. The old site was better", "How do i navigate this site?", "This is irritating!", or "I want more stuff/info!"?

Much appreciated y'all!!

P.S. I know the "More Stuff" link is different. That will be fixed soon. BTW, that's the way the old site looked. Perhaps you could compare and contrast...
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It's just an image on a green background. Before, it was more of a "website". I'm assuming more is coming :)
More is coming...but I wanted to make the site simpler.

My plan is to basically leave that page the way it is, and add news whenever there is any...the page will eventually fill up with news in a couple of weeks...I also plan on changing the background everytime I update the site...

...I am experimenting here, and trying new things, so tell me everything that's on your mind!!
Well... I can't really be objective while looking faults and pretending not to be looking for them...

Here are some things you should look at, anyways :)

Navigation links - They bounce all over the place, depending on what page one is on. Make a basic template and stick with it. When clicking to a new page, the mouse should end up hovering over roughly the same place on the new page's nav system. It doesn't need to be fancy... just standard.

Also, the link to "home" should almost always be at the top-left portion of any nav system.

Also, there is nothing that distinguishes the movie links as being different from any of the other links. That is made extra tricky when your "links" page is not called... links. "Respect" could be a movie title, or a dissertation on left-wing political correctness.

Contact Info - Remove your phone # from it. Replace your physical address with a PO Box or similar. Also, your e-mail link is not a mailto tag (or form-to-email box). Is that to help reduce spam-bots harvesting your e-mail? Doesn't quite work like that.

Your home-page has a dated entry on it. Clearly this is where recent updates and announcements will be seen. Where will outdated/old announcements go? No link to archives.

(Oh, and the links to view College Life are missing)

Don't hate me :D
The links to College life are not there on purpose, and "Respect" is sort of meant to make the surfer think, "What is that? I'll click it!" (I copied Christopher, I realized...sorry...I knew I saw a site that said "Respect", but didn't remember's

Just about everything else is pretty true. As soon as I published the site, I realized that the "Home" link was in a wierd place.

How can I link to an email? I've never been able to do this!

I've always had my adress's never caused any problems. I'll probably remove my phone #...
Link to email
<a href="">Email Me</a>
Alright...I've decided. I'm going back to a format that's similar to the old one. Sorry those of you who like the new one. I think it looks...unprofessional or something. I'm definitely going to use that photo on the home page...and the other pictures...

Why do I do this to myself?!

I figured out what I don't like about my old site, so I'm changing the bad. Leaving the good. The site will remain how it is for a few weeks while I start over...AAAAHHH!!!
i hate mailto. I'd rather just see the real email address, and be able to COPY it and then go to my email (gmail :) ) and paste it...
Demosthenes X said:
Seconded. Mailto always opens up Outlook or Hotmail - neither of which I like.
Just change your default mail program in your internet settings.
If I could set it to open gmail, I would.


Control Panel >>
Mail >>
E-mail Accounts >>
Add New Account >>
Server Information = "Select Other"

Fill in the blanks. :cool: