You personally might not care too much, that's out of your hands, it's all up to the distributor now, but things like that really could affect sales.
Who said I didn't care? There is nothing I can do about it. I wasn't even TOLD we had a distribution deal in the UK nonetheless had any say in the extras, DVD art, or anything else.
I guess the misconception, from those who have never sold a movie via traditional distribution.... they don't care about the filmmaker, our reputation, our opinions, or anything that affects us. We have no rights and no power over our product once it is sold to them. If you fight hard to hold those rights, they will either pay significantly less money or not deal with you at all. Realities of the business I'm afraid.
Part of the problem is the UK (and most other countries') DVD art. They make the movie look epic and big, which it is not. It's a small story with a handful of characters and not a lot of scope to it. The DVD art misleads people and raises expectations that the movie cannot possibly live up to.