My Latest work of short films

Hello everyone,

I'm new to this community however it seemed like a good place to jump-start my passion for film to the public. Please give my a films a few looks over. Feel free to critique, give advice, or compliment.

I have a few low budget so don't mind the special effects and focus more on my screenplay, story and direction.'

here's a link to my youtube channel:

Thanks everyone and enjoy.

Feel free to comment back here or on youtube
I make films in Hollywood. Never thought about going to Canon Beach to do it.

Only film I know of that was made at Canon Beach was The Goonies (one of my all-time favs).

And in Astoria, they filmed The Ring Two.
Cool! I have a beach-front cabin near Van Beuren Drive (don't know if that's how you spell it) and I grew up flying fighter kites on the beach there.

I was going to have my honeymoon there but the weather wouldn't have been that great that year so we passed. My whole mom's side of the family is from Portland.

My Grandma used to babysit Joey Harrington (QB from U of O and then went on to the Detroit Lions).

I love it there - though it's gotten way more populated. The roads are now perfectly paved and it no longer has this "cozy little beach town" feel to it.

Though you can still buy foot-long maple bars from the bakery !!! :)
