First of all thank you guys for your comments.
My english is so poor to understand everything but I think I know what you mean
next time I'm going do better
I noticed I have tendency to extend my movies. I have to get rid of this... I don't have the distance because when I editing I see this lots of time and I lose track of time... and I 'm not able to judge.... You know what I mean ?
I have to find solution of this problem...
Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I've been involved with so many creative projects in all sorts of fields, and in every one of them I've only really been able to truly evalute my work once I've left it alone for a bit and come back fresh. It's the test of time, seeing things with a different perspective. The longer you leave it before returning to a project, the easier it is to see things we might have missed while we were engrossed in the production.
Obviously we can't leave it forever before returning for a final review, and sometimes we don't even get that luxury. Either way thgouh it's a great way to improve and learn - hopefully for that project, but if not then it always teaches us things to keep in mind for the future at least.
I find that taking regular breaks throughout the project helps too. It's good to keep the momentum up when things are going well of course, but a bit of distance every now and then really helps clear the mind and allows us to return fresh. Doing more physical activities is best, as most of my work involves being stuck at a desk, but as long that you enjoy it, and is unrelated to the project, it does the trick.