my first scifi short got reviewed!

Distrify is working out great for my purpose. The player and ecommerce is flawless so far and it pays via paypal. I have only had a hand full of sales so far, but it lets me keep it private and get the experience of actually charging *something* for the work - which feels good. I've had some sales from all over the world so that is cool : )

With Distrify and now getting a review it really has given me a "mini" end to end experience of making, distributing and marketing films. Totally fun!
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Nice... How does the distrify thing work? Looks like it has some potential for folks who have shorts rather than features to release.
Wow, thanks for the kinds words everyone, I really appreciate it. It was a very fair and supportive review.

@Lucky Hardwood I searched google for "indie film reviews" and just submitted the short to about 10 sites via contact form or email. I emailed for permission to submit first if there was no published guidelines.

@knightly to use Distrify - you upload your trailer and your short video files. You fill in the title, description and your paypal email. Then you wait a few hours for processing. Then you get an embeddable share link, just like YouTube. The filmmaker gets 70% to paypal. You can of course charge more than $.99 but I set it up with the minimum.
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