archived-videos My first music video

You've got a lot of really nice imagery in there. Good job, and thanks for sharing this with us!

I'm not crazy about the cross-fades. I'd opt for a straight cut but maybe that's just my preference. Also, early in the video I felt like some of those shots just lingered too long.

Best of luck!
Nice job for a first time. I hit the boredom mark at 1:37, but a lot of that was down to an incredibly bland song that I was forgetting while listening to...

great job on getting done and out. Looks really nice. I feel you could have had a bit more fun in the edit. It has quite a laid back beat but there're some bits where you could mix up the slow mo with some time remapping and hit some of the beats with cuts if you know what I mean?

I also agree with some of the cross fades could probably be hard cuts. Not all, but some.

Hope that helps.
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If you told me this was a cinematographer's reel that works in the commercial and fashion industry, I'd say great job. But you said it was a music video, and as that, it falls flat. If I was Revlon I'd hire you. If I was a fan of this song, I'd have no interest in the video. So is this really a music video, or are you showing off your skills?
If you told me this was a cinematographer's reel that works in the commercial and fashion industry, I'd say great job. But you said it was a music video, and as that, it falls flat. If I was Revlon I'd hire you. If I was a fan of this song, I'd have no interest in the video. So is this really a music video, or are you showing off your skills?

Thank you very much. I watch a lot of fashion videos and commercials so maybe they influenced me.
Good shots, but no flow or ritm. 1.04 asks for more dynamic or flow to it....something you do again 2.37. because this is a long shot and I want to be closer to the people dancing. The bystanders suck all the energy out of it. The biggest problem I have with this video is that there is no story in it. Its about noting.... Making music video's is hard. good shots = a good start. Next time make a smal story board or script for it.