archived-videos my first fight scene

I have been working on an Indiana jones fanfilm for a while and just edited my first fight scene. I still have some work but overall I am becoming more pleased everyday. Come check it out.

here is a slightly edited version. I changed the bad angle with the elbow from Indy. I made the kick shorter. I also added a face view to help the tree run not seem so long. That and a few other things that are small. I would of liked to take out some more dead time but with this being tied to music I was limited with what I could get rid of. Thanks for all of you help.
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Not bad. :)

The sound FX help out a lot. Some quicker cuts wouldn't hurt; seems to be a few places where the actors pause a bit at the start of their takes... and again after the shot is over.

Nice to see a non Star Wars fanflick for a change. :cool:

Btw, I was cracking up so hard when
the guy tied to the tree tells Indy to just leave him there.

Your second Nazi wasn't in frame at all at first... perhaps a quick cut to show him sneaking up...

Then, as Indy hit the tree, a reverse reaction would have been good. Spielberg did a lot of Harrison close up after getting hit. Added comedy and sympathy.

Also, he had to drag Indy 20 twenty feet to the tree to slam him... He should have either simply tried a stranglehold from the rear, started punching first, or you should have moved the shot back to get them closer.
Good work garmon. I'm with Zen there re: the cutting. Of course that also requires a bit more coverage but good on you for doing it. Don't be afraid to get in really close for fight work. Even in the wider format feel you've gone for, ECU's are still a good idea. I would also suggest you look at speeding up the action portions. Try in 3% increments provided you don't feel it compromises the quality. Given that these aren't stunt actors the tendency is to slow the action down. A completely reasonable response. See what happens though. If you hate it you don't have to keep it.
It's a good first attempt. It needs quicker cuts and better rehearsed moves. A fight scene has to feel frenetic. This one seemed like it was in slo-mo at times.

You also need to be a bit more conscious of the angles.. most were fine, but some of the angles used clearly show that there is no actual contact. Nice first attempt.
good first attempt, I LOVE Indiana Jones movies and seeing this I was like YAY! I do have some minor suggestion on the time I can watch it, if you don't mind I'll post some of my comments via prvt. :)

johnny wu
Cool :cool:

Do you still have the original, for peeps to do a "before & after" comparison?

It's amazing what a wee bit of extra :) editing can do.
yes. here is a before and after. There are not any really big changes... just small changes from advise that I got from you guys. Thanks



I changed the bad angle with the elbow from Indy. I made the kick shorter. I also added a face view to help the tree run not seem so long. That and a few other things that are small. I would of liked to take out some more dead time but with this being tied to music I was limited with what I could get rid of. Thanks for all of you help.
you need to get your actors to look a whole lot more serious during these fight scenes. and show some emotions, they look numb as hell. especially the nazi. have them breathing a little. and get them to practice a little how to fight. indy never was that good a fighter in my opinion but when he punches that guy in the stomac, he can't be pausing that long. if the actor paused that long, show a quick cap of the nazi from the front, and then get back to when he punches out.

you have the pleasure of working with a decent camera, that makes those action scenes look decent, cause the ones i work with drop frames, and loose pixels constantly during action scenes so i can't even make any. you should use that!

move that camera a little during some of the fight takes, it gives it a more live feeling.
I think Kases said it best above. You're getting great images from the camera...but the fighting looks too staged. Overall, I think it looks great and can be tightened up with some quicker editing.

I totally support what you're doing. From one fan film maker to another great job!!!

Out of interest do you intend to pursue filmmaking or is it more just for the love of Indiana Jones?

Hey Ken

Thanks for the kind words. About filmmaking, It was my path for a very short time a few years ago, but for now I'm back to the reason I do it... for fun. What ever comes down the road will be a blessing. If I am correct about who you are... Im enjoying your fanfilm also. I wish you lots of luck.

And to all of the others who have posted... You have made this site what it is meant to be, a very useful tool in filmmaking. THanks
The entire pacing for the scene is entirely too slow. Not too sure if you have ever been in an actual fight before, but I can tell you that it never happens at that speed.

Don't be afraid to use quick pans and jump cuts. You can get away with it in a scene like this that is supposed to feel frantic and out of control.
I understand the whole real fight idea and thats cool. A real fight is crazy and out of control. Being a fanfilm I did like my boss wanted me to do and copy the speed of the plane fight scene in Raiders. It moved slow with not many punches, just a lot of stances and moving. If I were doing a present day film I would do more of a in your face fight with a lot of crazy camera movement and stuff. To keep with the B movie feel and the time period of 1926 I just kept it slow like a Raiders fight. Thanks for the info.
I would like to see the camera moving with the action and longer cuts. And the actor looks like Bud Bundy.
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