archived-videos My First Decent Film, a mid length comedy/action of the civil war

I created this for a school project, it turned out pretty nice, however the encoding to shrink it does the quality no justice, it was created with a canon optura 10, adobe premiere 6.5, and some other small freeware version programs. Click here to view

For a full defination clip Click here
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I hope noone lost any eyes or limbs filming this.

Not exactly the most accurate re-enactment by a long shot, but it looks like you all had a blast filming it.

yep, we had a ......blast... what a great description, mostly we just needed an excuse to blow things up and count it as crdit for a history class, the last time somone tried this, the teacher, a diffrent one then mine, failed the kids, ours gave us an a for effort, and a d- for actualy doing a civil war related project, but it was so worth it, and no one was harmed, but if you watch the outtakes at the end, it was close :lol: