My first Camera

I first learned camerawork on a Canon GL1, but that belonged to the school. My first cam was a POS JVC consumer-level 1ccd camcorder, but I least I had the mindset to get a focus ring, manual exposure and white-balance. After that, I didn't mess with video much -- focused on music. Coming back to video again, I stepped up to a Sony VX2100 -- nice for it's day, but quaint by today's standards. Luckilly, it had strong resale value (even just a few months ago). I got $1200 for it, which was just enough to get my T2i and secure some audio equipment.
My first camera was... G1 phone camera.. thats right..
Next, i updated to a sony cybershot..
Now, Im using samsung f43bn to make epic movies, that make women cry, and babies laugh.. Because I'm a massive baller like that!

And yes, all three above cameras/phones were given to me for free, because I'm poor. :-P

But seriously.. i've got the crappiest camera right now, and the only control I have is:
1. manual focus with two buttons
2. zoom
3. white balance.

Thats it...

Now, i'm off to shoot another practice /short video :-D
My 1st camera was my hand, then I moved up to a paper towel roll, then some 110 stills, and fixed lens
35’s, then a 35 with a few primes that I still have, then B&H S8 and some VHS and VHSC that I beat to death, then a few Bolex 16mm’s and Canon S8 and B&H 16mm, and next… who knows? I have the cash and will go DLSR most likely, but I think we are (as always!) on the cusp of tech change in that area, so I’m coasting trying to see how things will pan out between the new Canon and the new Sony and Nikon and whatever Panasonic puts out. (It’s killing me!)

Iv got a year before i upgrade. Iv had my eyes set on a canon XL2 for like 4 years but i might go DSLR. Cfunk almost has me sold. What do you all think. XL2 or T2i? keeping in mind that my computer is far from being able to edit HD video.
Iv got a year before i upgrade. Iv had my eyes set on a canon XL2 for like 4 years but i might go DSLR. Cfunk almost has me sold. What do you all think. XL2 or T2i? keeping in mind that my computer is far from being able to edit HD video.

No need to cross that bridge till you get to it. When you're ready for an upgrade, do some intensive research, and pull the trigger.
we are (as always!) on the cusp of tech change

Yeah, so the grass will always be greener in a few more months. Last time I checked, a man's camera did not really have any effect on his life, and, for that matter, a solid filmmaker will make a solid film with any camera. So, stop beating around the bush, and buy a fucking camera.

60D is out soon!
Yeah, so the grass will always be greener in a few more months. Last time I checked, a man's camera did not really have any effect on his life, and, for that matter, a solid filmmaker will make a solid film with any camera. So, stop beating around the bush, and buy a fucking camera.

60D is out soon!

Your a fricken poet!