archived-videos My fan film trailer

Indiana Jones is :cool:

Interesting trailer (and I've been waiting to see some more, ever since that fight-sequence clip you posted).

For a trailer, it seems to be missing a few elements though... most notably the "big action" clips that accompany a hero that is larger than life. I have no idea what your budget allowed for (and I wasn't expecting sequences that rivaled the full-fledged productions) but I sure was expecting to see a bit more than some fist-fights.

It did manage to convey a few basic plot points (which is good), but failed to connect to the actual title "Staff of Ra" and continuing the link to the Arc.

You also had the dreaded "people speaking with dialogue turned off" clip, with the girls.

Where are they headed? What happens if they fail? Introductions to key characters?

If you can't pull that together from existing video & audio, you can v/o parts.

Maybe even add some of those cheesey graphic overlays (if needed), like the originals did.

I hope the film comes out well. IJ needs more fan-love. :yes:
We really have a non existing budget. This is a practice film to find out if the people around me (who have no film experience) are serious about making a movie. Our real project, which is going to be feature length and all of my own, will have a budget. The budget should be pretty nice. We have a lot of big money friends floating around us that are enjoying our fanfilm so far. As for big action in this fanfilm, I wish we could have more but what we lack in that department, I promise a good story will take its place. Thanks for the trailer advice, I need as much advice for trailer making as I can get. Plus making a trailer with a 30 minute movie is difficult without showing the entire story. Thanks again and have a good one.
Nice!! I really can't wait for this project to come to light. Love Indy. One of the greatest heros ever.

The updated trailer was much better, but the ending still lacks that punch... maybe throw a few more shots in there and quicken the pace? Try putting as many moving shots in there, as quick as possible, and climax with the song, to leave on Indy turning to the camera.

Really cool project, man. Really cool.

Been meaning to use this smiley for a while.
Production value and locations are spot on.

The trailer itself though is a bit weak. There is nothing really climatic about it and the lines used are too far between to create any sense of urgency that trailers should have. Shots hold for too long.
I'd like to learn more about from film: what was it shot on, how you are going to distribute it, and if possible what is your budget. thanks. Elly