Music Rights....

Evening, everybody

The documentary I am developing is about rock musicians. Does anyone know anything
about music rights?

I read somewhere that if I shoot a show, I don't have to pay for the rights, but being
slightly jaded, I don't think that things are that easy....

Does anyone have any advice, insight, website?

I see myself revising my budget...again...

Yes, you need to secure the rights to the music you use in your documentary, unless it is public domain.
I do not expect to be able to get away with not paying music rights, I did, however, read that
if I am the one to shoot a performance, in some cases you don't have to pay these rights.

I don't know if anyone else has heard this or not, but I am trying to find out if anyone
besides myself knows anything about this... it did sound too good to be true, but I thought
I should at least check it out....

spinner said:
in some cases you don't have to pay these rights.

That would be very few cases. Bands like The Grateful Dead didn't care. Sometimes they even set up special areas for performance recordists to trip... err... tape in. It's not common though. Most times the bands couldn't allow it even if they wanted to. They have labels protecting their creativity.

Also, most venues have a policy restricting this... you may find you need special permission from the bar/club/arena even if the musician part is okayed. Potential liability, etc.
spinner: If you are on friendly terms w/ the bands, it may be a good idea to contact them, especially if your doc gives them decent publicity.