The whole double standard is bizarre to me.
As a parent I hope, in real life, my ADULT children exprience more sex than violence.
I'd like for Americans to stop being such a bunch of super freaks over celebrity nipples and side-boobs.
And I really wish films had more "I love you" sex between rational people in ongoing relationships - INSTEAD OF - "We're f#cking each other!" sex between dysfunctional people that really aren't intrested in mutual satisfaction on any scale.
Can we not be naked and nice to each other?
Is that just such a repulsive, horrid thing to see?
It's 100% okay to watch Frodo and company slash and cut orcs and uruk-hai by the gross, but heaven forbid should we see Aragorn stuffin' the elf.
Missionary style, of course.
Elf on top if we're lucky. No, wait. I saw 'The Ledge'. We ain't missing much.
Butt... I did see Aragorn's junk floppin' around in 'Eastern Promises'. No glory.
I remember when 'Robocop' came out and I thought Paul Verhoven was a gore freak.
I've since been quite desensitized, butt still choose to not watch 'Hostel', the 'Saw' franchise, or 'A Serbian Film'.
'The Raid: Redemption' is about as much violence as I can watch and still be entertained.
How many ACTION films are there where there's not violence?
Does perilous, mortal threat short of actual violence count?
Can a character be beaten to death, shot, or murderd/severely injured/tortured off screen and that NOT count as violence?
How much bloodless "implication of violence" can I shovel?

Can I portray violent consensual sex just off screen without an MPAA NC-17?
It's a big world out there.
I'd like to make a film with robots, not even androids, engaged in violent replication.
I wonder how that would go over.
Visions of Optimus Prime violently shoving a cam shaft repeatedly through Bumblebee's posterior.
Nuts, bolts, and sparks flying.
Optimus Prime and Bumblebee eja... "emit" the All-spark audio transmission together.
Beneath them Nokia phones and RC cars stream onto the ground beeping and whirring.
OP & B return to their vehicle forms, and smoke tires down the road together, offspring en tow.
I disagree with this, respectfully. Most people engage in fornication all the time.
I fornicate all the time.
I belong to a twelve step program: F#ckers Anonymous.
We don't get much done at the meetings, although everyone keeps coming and coming.
It all starts off fine, butt before you know it one thing leads to another and we've got couples hooking up, threesomes, outright orgies,
Before you know it it's become a laughing human katamari game.
And I don't know what Frank's doing over there at the donuts and coffee table.
I don't think that's what people generally mean when they ask for cream in their coffee. Cough, cough, ackk!
"Stop that, Frank! The Fetishists Anonymous meeting is across the hall!
Get with the program, you freak!"
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How about instead of 'X-Men: First Class' declaration of "Mutant, and proud." we have a feature film about socially functional furries declaring "Furry, and proud."