Definitely acceptable, FrankLad. If I'm understanding what you're saying, a sort of deconstructionist approach is what you're going for.
Example: Hot Fuzz. The first half of the movie breaks down all the tropes and cliches of action movies. Points out the inherent silliness and unrealistic nature of all those kind of movies. And then, in the second half, gleefully uses them ALL. In essence, saying "this is why all of this is stupid...but on the same token, it is AWESOME". Shaun of the Dead took a similar approach to zombie films.
So what you want to do is play it light, being aware of your cliches and pointing them out, before using those same concepts earnestly, right? I'm on board! Might do you well to research post-modernism and deconstruction (though you'll then be REconstructing it, I'm not sure if that's the commonly used term for it).