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Movie Questionnaire


I am a master’s student at the University of Strathclyde. I am currently researching the consumers’ behaviour in the film industry for my dissertation and I need your help with this! I need your kind participation in a survey that would generally take about 15-20 minutes to complete.

So please click on the link below to access the questionnaire:

Your participation is greatly appreciated!!!
Am I just undereducated? I don't even understand the first questions:
"Please rate how differences in film's (stars/sources/genres) change how desirable they are."
hey! firstly thank you so much for your help, you're very kind. Secondly, the idea is to find out which elements influence you to watch a movie, so yo may prefer a comedy or an adventure or all of them...or you may hate a sequel because is just the same (like probably some people are tired of pirates of the caribbean)...
anyways thanks and sorry if it was long but i really appreciate your help!!!
I think asking people is going to have skewed results. I wanted to say I absolutely despise sequels, but I know that there are certain sequels that I will definitely watch. You can't trust what people say.
Fascinating questionnaire on multiple aspects.

I am interested in seeing both the actual data results almost as much as the composition logic.

Will you be able to share your (team's) final conclusions from the data?

Did you compose this entirely yourself or as a team - or - was this a pre-designed series you chose?

I see that the uploader questionnaire program is university sponsored/hosted and I know universities and colleges promote/provide a rather "blunt edge of a sword" education.
But you do realize having the "NEXT" button justified left, rather than centered, skews your data to the left side of the screen?
People are exactly just that lazy; they won't even move the mouse to the far right if they can help it, but it is the easiest way to build the questionnaire online.

I like how the screens begin with four questions, narrow down to left-right, those become two aspect questions, then three aspect questions, then numerical values. Smart. People like a big ribbon on their finish lines!

I was wondering on the American/non-American director/producer questions how the logic went for a movie like DAYBREAKERS where the film is directed by non-Americans, acted largely by non-Americans, film almost entirely outside of America - but deliberately made and voiced to appear to be in America?
I've run across several of these where foreign filmmakers deliberately create the film specifically for the largest global audience.
I don't know how I feel about this approach. On the one hand it makes pure business sense.
If the Chinese can print books in English to be sold in English speaking countries then why not this?
Film is a product, right?
It just seems rather... prostitutionist: I'll f#ck you, but only because your paying for it, not because I want to entertain you.

Is there a "time factor" assigned with the completion?
Partial give-ups or only completed questionnaires?
Stated preference (at beginning) compared to test preference (latter parts of the test)?

FWIW, personally...
1 - superlatives in print, ie "fascinating!" & "engrossing!", provide zero sway as any [expletive] idiot can be quoted out of context.
2 - I am often AWARE of recommendations by critics and aggregators BEFORE I choose a movie, but find them ultimately useless as critics love some sh!t films and loathe some really nice ones - but I am aware of them - so, I may be guilty of aligning myself with supporting critical views, but only as a very small influence.
3 - Although University of Strathclyde is Scottish (don't see too many film products originating from there), mostly we see English films (not even really UK films, I'd hazard) receiving distribution over here in the States. I find English humor, specifically, somewhat "odd" and a genuine preference deterrent. However, there are several very nice foreign films I enjoy, so I'm not a completely prejudiced pig. Only somewhat.

GL & GB!


FOLLOW UP EDIT: Consumers, Understood. Of course I completed it! Psssh! :lol:
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rayw thanks so much for your suggestions and your participation. I did compose the questionnaire alone. In regards to sharing the findings I am not sure to what extent I can do it. But I will research that matter and get in touch with you if I see is possible.
In general I know is kind of confusing sometimes and maybe respondents do feel overwhelmed so I will try to do it better next time.
Thanks everyone for all your support and please if you haven't completed it yet, do it...i really appreciate it.
I don't get it either, it's a riddle wrapped in an enigma stuffed inside a Rubik's cube.