Movie about fingers

Im fairly new here so tell me if I should be posting in a different forum section if im doing it wrong!
For school I have to make a short movie (3-5 minutes). I could do it with friends but I wanted to try and challenge myself and do it alone. I had this idea to make a movie with my fingers only. Im going to make little outfits for them and print out faces to glue to them. If any of you film making genuises and super awsome film makers have ideas for a name for the movie, or any funny scenes that could happen with fingers.... Then please do go ahead and post them here, were you will be eternally known as kick ass film makering proffesionalz. With a "z" of course.
The king finger demands that his subjects bow down to him. Three of the four subjects comply, but the tallest one refuses.

The middle finger makes it great if you can do that in school.
I like that idea^
Here's mine, the two hands are at war. The thumbs have a thumb war, there's high fiving, ect.
The middle finger makes it great if you can do that in school.
I like that idea^
Here's mine, the two hands are at war. The thumbs have a thumb war, there's high fiving, ect.

Haha both you guys great ideas! I might try to mix both those ideas into one comedy/fairytale! When I finish the movie I will post it here so you guys can see :D
The lone dissenter

Have a thumb yelling at some fingers about their poor performance in the last quarter of business. Have the finger cower under the oppression of the thumb. Then have the thumb yell, Does anyone have something to say right now?" by now the fingers are all tipped back starting towards a fist trying to back away from the yelling thumb. You hear one of the fingers say, "I have something to say." in a super cocky voice Then it cuts to the middle finger standing up. end. lol