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Motion tracked facial bruising VFX

Hey guys, I've just started up a channel that's going to be featuring some neat little tutorials on how to achieve high end looking effects with simple techniques in After Effects - this isn't the usual muzzle flash or explosion tutorial, something a bit more low key - but in my opinion a whole lot more believable! I'd love for you to check it out.

Effect Preview:

Full tutorial: (Only just over 10 minutes!)

I apologize if the embed doesn't work, just follow the links, hope you guys enjoy/take something out of this!

Thanks for your time.
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Easy to embed ...you just put the FWcKGwGhYIc inside the YT brackets


AND you just put the 28SHyiGqriQ inside the YT brackets


Ill watch later
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thanks guys, I appreciate it! I just got a bit sick of seeing nothing but muzzle flash and explosion tutorials so I figured I'd make a channel with some different but more practical stuff...thanks for checking it out :)