
Hey guys I have a theater audition coming up tomorrow and i am auditioning for "The boys next door"
if anyone seen that play most of the characters in it are in some way mentally disabled. So i was wondering if you guys know any good sources online or actual monologues that might help me audition.
I know here we dont have a "theater" section but this is the best i could do XD.

by the way i found this....

I never knew I was different. Growing up you always made me feel like a normal kid. You even let me hang out with you and your friends even though none of them liked me much (beat). You remember that day when jessi's brother called me that naughty word and mama said it was just because he grew up in a family where he didn't learn right from wrong? Well, now I know why he called me that name. It was because I am different. I didn't know i do.(beat) If I wasn't different I wouldn't still live with you, if i wasn't different, he wouldn't have called me names. If I wasn't different, (her anger suddenly turns to tears) I wudda done something, I wudn't have "gotten laid" if I wasn't different, we wouldn't be in this mess and we would still be sisters like we used to be.

Because I am male i was wondering replacing the last line with brothers would be okay....
any other ideas are welcomed.
thanks in advance :)
Definitely check out 12 Monkeys--Jeffrey's rant like Steve suggests.

Also check out What's Eating Gilbert Grape --Dicaprio's character is mentally handicapped, and Leo does a fantastic job with it.

You can Youtube some stuff too...get an idea that way.
thanks a lot mate.
But I guess I need to choose wisely because I have only 1 min.
any other suggestions are welcomed but thanks for all the help so far :)

And what rant because he linked the whole script from what i see haha XD
well i never saw the movie so i was wondering if anybody knew where to find the exact quite or where to look for it, beginning...end..middle :o? or anything else that might help me tomorrow :O
Open that link, then just hit CTRL+F (to bring up the search box in your browser) and type JEFFREY into it. ;)

You don't need to use all of it; there's a few good chunks to it that you can select if you need a shorter thing.

I can't find a clip of it on YouTube, sorry.
no offence but that bit of writing is a bit morbib, maybe you should emphasise his naivity, it will be more challending and a majority of the role will be portrayed like that, try something from of mice and men or something from lenny.
Also bare in mind the mentally...unique...character from 12 Monkeys isn't mentally challanged. He was just a little crazy. He was quite intelligent. Is this what you mean by 'mentally disabled?'