archived-videos Mobile Phone film

Please have a look at my short film about being kept on hold:
Choose #086 On Hold complaint to watch film on Post Video Art
I'm very keen for some constructive criticsm! : )... leo
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I remember that in the Austin Film Festival program from October that they were advertizing one- I think its still going on-
Thanks for your nice words about my film!

I've been commissioned to make a series based on it by Pocket Shorts.
Please take a look at my ideas below and tell me what you think...


I'm currently working on the first scenario (Alarm clock). It will probably last 30 seconds rather than 15.
please tell me what you think of my ideas, even if you hate them !
peace Leao

PS Walter Smidge: I used Abode Image Ready to make the graphics for the movie and Flash to animate them.
Hi, ive just finished a draft version of a new film involving Nokia man getting progressively annoyed with his mobile phone alarm clock.

Please take a look and tell me what you think ...
It's not slick yet, but I want to make sure the basis of the film is good before I take it any further. Peace, Leao
How about this one:

Scenario 5: Signal Strength
Nokia man checks, and has a full signal, dials someone.. as soon as he puts the phone to his head the signal drops, this happens repeatedly until he breaks the phone.
Of the two new "alarm clock" ones, I like the first one better.

What was originally planned in the storyboard thing, where the LCD panel has cracked, btw?

Please take a look at the latest version of my mobile phone film called 'Kidnap'

What do you think about it being black & white? I'm adding sound later this month.

Any feedback would be much appreciated : )
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