Minnesota in da house!!!

I don't remember if I introduced myself yet so...here I go (and again ...maybe!)

Hello everyone! I am a screenplay writer from Minnesota (I know, I said that in the title). I write just about everything...short stories, blog stories, comedies, bromedies (a sorta bro-mance...if you will, comedy), rom-coms, tv pilots, ok ok, I can list them all...but I won't! I can do it all. It may not be produce-able, but I can do it all! Any-who, I do like to meat...oops, kinda hungry, meet other writers and splash around some ideas and/or team up for the next huge box office hit! Hollywood is looking for new writers and from the looks of it, their going to find them here on Indie Talk! We are so lucky, and talented...but not in that order! So, good luck to everyone and Hi, I am the newest box office smash hit since real butter!!! Ok, bad example...since Justin Bieber!!! (Did I spell that right?) Barber...beeber...beabar...whatever! Cheers!:)

OP, we were just welcoming you with a sense of humour. Good to have you here.

After all, you and Knightly gave us Fargo ;)

Sorry, couldn't help myself :)