mic hire & questions

hi all,

so i'm about to start on my first short film and i'm going to hire mics as all i have is a audio technica atr55.
we will be shooting in a forest, what would be the best type/make of mic to hire?

also, there are only a few scenes with dialogue, the rest will be narrated in a voiceover along side a music soundtrack, so when filming the scenes that will be narrated over do i still want to record sound as normal?
do i still want to record sound as normal?

You may as well. Never know if it will come in handy.

One thing you definitely want to do it record room tone. (Forgot the term for it, when outisde). Essentially recording total silence for a minute or so, where you film... 'cos there's a lot of natural sound going on.

No idea on mic suggestions. :)