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watch Mayans vs. Reptilians short film

Holy crap that's some nice art.

Saying that, expecting to get $12,000 invested by Monday July 25th is a bit steep, considering at the moment it's only at $1,010 right now. It does look like a very nice project though, and it has some pretty good bonuses for pledging.

Good luck with the project!
Holy crap that's some nice art.

Saying that, expecting to get $12,000 invested by Monday July 25th is a bit steep, considering at the moment it's only at $1,010 right now. It does look like a very nice project though, and it has some pretty good bonuses for pledging.

Good luck with the project!

I know people who raised $14,000 in the last 25 hours of their campaign, so it's certainly doable. And he's already up to $3000+

Good Luck!
Apparently people take the idea of reptile people too far and call them people too. If you're talking about the whole in-depth conspiracy stuff people come up with then sure, but I'm pretty sure that this Mayan vs Reptilian thing is literally just reptile people attacking the Mayans.

Saying that, to sue people over a conspiracy theory is ridiculous. What happened to free speech?
I dunno the reptillian anti-semitism thing is a bit of a no-fly zone for most of us with even the best intentions.

That's if you believe David Ike. And even IF you do, Ike doesn't call al Jews reptilian. According to HIM, they are an "elite". Which wouldn't apply to every Jew. These are his thoughts, not mine. But if you're going to use someone else's arguement, at least be acurate.

Furthermore I didn't see any thing in this pitch to make me believe that it has any anti-semitic undertones. And believe me, I'm all for calling BS when I see it.
I'm sorry, where did the Jews come from? Are they reptiles?

I'm so goddamn confused right now, I thought Hitler called them pigs not lizards. And I'm pretty sure this movie isn't about Judaism.
Could it be that he's just using the term "reptilian" as a way to describe the creature that the main character has to battle during his film? I'm betting he's never heard of Ike before!

I call myself a "Washingtonian" but don't think that "da Jews" have taken over Seattle!

Thank you and come again ;)
Interesting (likely) misplaced metaphor on the "reptillian = Jews" tangent assigned to this project.

First, :lol: d@mn crazy people:
Second, I feel sorrow for AMHuerta who is likely agape at this ridiculous value assignment.
Third, however, he better get used to it becuase the world is chock full of nutty folk, and if in the limited demographic scope that composes the IT audience can assign this "reptillian = Jews" value... then odds are a lot of others in the greater global audience can as well. Even if completely bullsh!t.
I think it's simply an unfortunate coincidence.

If I had time and interest, five bucks says I could find some 1974 Land of the Lost/Sleestak = Jews malarkey as well. In-f#cking-credible.

I wonder if the Geico gecko is an "elite"?
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OMG haha.. this is plain Sci Fi, not racism.

This has nothing to do with Jews or anything else... Its plain Sci Fi, Reptilians from the Pleiades invade the mayan civilization... thas about it. hahaha...
Thanks guys.

Thanks for your good wishes guys. If you can, please help out. Every little bit counts. 10 bucks, 20 bucks... anything. Thanks again.