Not a horror movie, but this bunny is pretty creepy.
Why is Sarah Jessica Parker wearing a fluffy outfit?
Not a horror movie, but this bunny is pretty creepy.
Why is Sarah Jessica Parker wearing a fluffy outfit?
See, bunnies CAN be evil!
Very True Nick (and that's a big chapter in the book I'm writing)-but there are some excellent exceptions to the rule "Vanilla Sky", "The List of Adrian Messenger", and of course the plethora of Super Heroes (Spiderman, Iron Man, Batman ect) which are on the opposite side. Yet people don't get creeped out by Spiderman in a mask-yet they show just as much lack of expression-so why the difference?
I would actually say that Vanilla Sky's a perfect example of the opposite.
Tom Cruise's character is not that scary or weird in that film when he's not wearing the mask. But when he puts on the mask (and with the help of massive facial scarring) that's when the film becomes really weird and creepy...
I think superhero's illustrate a different point: protagonists, in films, almost never wear masks. With superheros we go through the journey with them and can understand why they use the mask. Almost everyone else who wears a mask is either an antagonist or someone who poses some sort of threat. Vanilla Sky is another example. Because the film is kind of schizophrenic, non masked Tom represents our hero and masked Tom represents our antagonist. I reckon that if you saw a movie in which a serial killer wore a Spiderman mask then that would still be really creepy...
For a really creepy mask use check out Richard Jenkins in Let Me In...
Some interesting stuff on the science fiction side is in the TV series Terminator: TSCC where the cyborgs were hiding behind "Human masks." Also, in Terminator 4, Skynet was using the convicted killer it turned into a cyborg with a human brain and heart as a "mask" to spy on the resistance.
BTW, another great film with masks is "Mirrormask", based on the Children's novel by Neil Gaiman, a fantastic Gaiman "look" movie that plays with the idea of masks as a story telling device, and with identity.
+1 Mirrormask.
Did it ever make it to theatres in North America? There was some good quality to the effects and the story seemed like a "shoe in" for the younger set-who HASNT gone through that whole teen phase of identity? Just a really well done story-thanks for backing me up Ernest!
Sorry, missed your post. It's done, but it's going into a festival, so I can't put it online. I can, however, message you with some screenshots of the character in the mask if you want. I just love the way she looked, especially with the super-saturated background lighting that was used. Dario Argento would be proudInteresting, any way I can see the short(if it's done)? I'm usually not a huge horror (ironic I know) but your description of the killer is intriguing.