I'm definitely not ready to move away from this film yet.
This comes back to what I said about being objective. This quote appears to be entirely subjective rather than objective. If you were being objective you would ask yourself what have you got to gain from not moving away/on verses moving on? If say you spent a year to generate sales of $15k then you could just as easily have earned that same amount doing an unskilled task such as stacking shelves in a supermarket and benefited yourself even more by spending that time developing your filmmaking knowledge/skills/experience.
Thanks for responding but I wouldn't stereotype. you might miss something cool from somebody young.
1. Everyone has to stereotype to some degree to stand any chance of making good decisions.
2. I miss cool things all the time, I miss the vast majority of cool things. Again, it comes down to the time I have available and risk management. I don't even have enough hours in the day to trawl through all the stuff created by experienced pros with an established reputation for creating cool stuff, let alone the mountain of stuff created by teenagers who extremely rarely ever create anything which I think is "cool", despite their assertions to the contrary! In other words, the risk of missing something cool is no big deal and easily worth the hours of trawling through utter dross it would cost to find.
There are many of us that support the little guy/underdog.. So mathematics and stats go out the window. At least for me and many people I know.
1. Why are you the little guy/underdog? There are tens (maybe hundreds) of thousands of young amateur filmmakers out there who are not significantly different to you.
2. People tend to support the little guy/underdog in sports and similar competitive fields. This is not generally the case when buying products though!
3. The "many people I know" are essentially your family, friends and acquaintances. Of those, at least your family and friends are of course extremely likely to be supportive of your endeavours to be a filmmaker and, more likely to be supportive of others like you by association. Extrapolating from the "many people I know" to the vastly more people you don't will not only cause the "mathematics and stats" to go out the window but off to a completely different planet! The fact is that only a tiny fraction of the general public will even watch a nano budget narrative indie feature, let alone pay for the privilege and of those who will, only a tiny fraction will do it for the purpose of supporting the filmmakers rather than for their own personal entertainment.
Again, this is essentially a question about being objective. Maybe you'll develop more objectivity with more experience, as is often the case and hopefully in the meantime your apparent lack of it won't cost you too much more than some wasted time.