archived-videos Macbeth 3000: This time, it's personal

Hey guys,

For those of you who don't know, I'm currently in post on a feature film due to premiere this summer in Toronto (Ontario, Canada), but we've got a trailer online, and I thought, what the hell, if anyone hasn't seen it, you can check it out.

The basic premise, is that this is a modernization of Shakespeare's Macbeth, put in modern political times, and riddled with crazy action and kooky comedy! If you have any questions, please ask, as I would be happy to answer them! Also, any critiques and comments are more than welcome!

If you want to buy a DVD, they won't be out for quite some time... but if you let me know you're interested I can add you to the list!

And if anyone is in Toronto on July 15th, please come to the premiere! It'll be fun and good times for all!

So without further ado:


if you have trouble with the above, or need a quicktime version go here:
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God that was funny!

The music was a bit loud during some of the dialogue, so I didn't catch that handsome British Agent's name.
Was it Mack Dumb or Dung?

You guys have obviously seen a lot of trailers and know what it takes to grab an audience. This was one well cut trailer!

I had to watch it twice because
the first time through I missed everything after the light sabre shot cause I was on the floor convulsing in laughter

Great job!!!

agreed when I watched at his site, I was already 'wanting' to see the movie, and of course, it's not out yet BLEH :)

MAC! Macduff!

I'll keep ya'll posted tomorrow on the plans... we have a (post) production meeting in the evening after din-din with our mommys.
About 10K budget... mostly from our own pockets (working our part-time jobs on the side)... that's rougly one year of rent for me!! :(

A LOT of this film came out of goodwill and volunteering! It's a full length feature.. 2hrs +... this trailer doesn't even show HALF the good stuff in this flick! (Didn't want to spoil people before the film came out!)

Thank ye Zen!
Two thumbs up for that trailer and I really want to see the movie, and way to go on the effects, looks very very professional , thought I was watching something on the big screen. except the CGI fighter jets and blue screen inside the jet kinda gave it away and am not sure how the light sabers fit into this movie? Everything else is awsome, but it still got me really wanting to see it.
Denis, awesome stuff dude!

I don't know what impressed me more, the trailer itself or the how you guys pulled together 10K and did all this.

Q: Where the airplanes take off - is that an upsidedown sky there? (ahem, you said to ask questions - I can clarify the question if needed!).

Really awesomes stuff. I'd really like to come for the premiere. Got a closet I can sleep in?
DirectorX said:
Q: Where the airplanes take off - is that an upsidedown sky there? (ahem, you said to ask questions - I can clarify the question if needed!).

Nope! And as a side note, there is no stock footage.. it's all shot by us. For that shot we went to the outskirts of the airfield and waited for a British Airways plane to fly overhead... in the full shot it's breathtaking... got a flock of birds and a transitional light effect from the plane flying over the sun. All the ariel shots are from Geoff going up in a small plane and hanging the camera out the window!

Really awesomes stuff. I'd really like to come for the premiere. Got a closet I can sleep in?

July 15th, if you come to Toronto, I'm sure there will be a place. We have a few folks from Boston coming up... email me if you are interested.. I know I'm heading out the next day to vacation in the cottage country, being that my birthday is the 17th, and Matthew Good (canadian artist) is playing the 16th up there... otherwise I'd have the whole damn lot at my place (sardine style).
Zenner said:
Do you have trailers for your previous Shakespeare zings, good Spatula?

You CAN find them at in the movies section, but they're old vintage pieces from the days of "VideoWave 3". So nothing special... and they were all school projects... anyway, check them out if you want- who knows... maybe you'll get SOMETHING from it, lol.

Thanks all for your kind replies!!
Sweet! I've reserved 3 tickets for you... I talked to the organizer/executive producer of the Toronto Film Challenge and he might be popping by as well... now all I need is Mark Borchardt and Mike Schank, David Hasselhof, and the reincarnated soul of Winston Churchill and my life long dream will be complete!

Glad to hear the news, Flav. I'll be in touch.
Churchill: Undead, Uncut and Uninvited

The story of how a re-incarnated Winston Churchill shows up drunk at a local house party and begins looking for the tastiest brains to eat. I'll begin penning this gem immediately. I smell real commercial success. I mean... Churchill... zombies... cheetos... how could you go wrong?

How can you kill them if they're already dead?