SPOILERS ahead (too much to block out individually)
Ok, I'm going to probe a little deeper now... there will be pain... but there will be healing (to quote Dame Edna)
To start, I must once again complement Charles on the sound design. Especially the ethereal voices. My skin crawls every time I watch this, and it was the only film here where Amanda actually bureid her head in a pillow. (during the basement stairs part)
My biggest critique would be the abstractness of it all. Right off the bat it works under the theory of "the unknown being frighting", but watching it several more times, I'm not sure I get the entire story.
I really like how little dialogue there is- the entire story is told visually... but once again, after watching it a few times (and the initial shock and horror wearing off) I'm not sure I entirely understand the relationship between the (very attractive) female lead, the male, and the child..
The flashbacks were easy to pick out at first, but closer to the end, I couldn't really tell what was a flashback or not..
Regardless of that, I think this movie represents Horror more than any other here. The entire film is a build up of pending dread, and it never looses that at any point.
Finger = Gore
I'm All Yours = Ripped Jeans
Lullaby = Sheer Terror
Really good job! I'd like your interpretation of the story though- might help me figure a few things out!