archived-videos Lullaby by Bophe - Best Actress


Bophe's official entry for the ITOOFC#4.
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I will say this.

HANDS DOWN, best sound.
All the films were great for many different reasons, but this is the only one that gave me goosebumps.
Great job, all around.
Wow, I would agree, The sound was very good ( as it always is ) But the story line was the best I think.
Very good actors you had. I was hooked right as it opened.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD JOB ALL AROUND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm going to have to watch this a few more times to make sure I fully understand it, but wowza that was good! :cool:

It looks like you might have been using two very different cameras for some of the angle changes at the end (or forgot to white-balance, maybe) and the cuts between those two angles could have been a bit tighter... but did I say wowza?

I'll add more in a day or two.

Best Bophe flick... ever. :)
Thanks to everyone so far for your kind reviews!

Spatula - Credit for the sound goes to Charles Bunczk. He is the one who takes our random, scattered ideas about what the sound should be and turns them into reality. Cheers to Charles!

Spyrow - I'm glad you liked the story line and the acting. It was a difficult story to commit to tape, so thanks for appreciating it.

Zen - Thanks! For the record, the entire movie was shot with one camera, except for a few of the flashback scenes in the middle.

Boz - I also have young children, so I know what you mean. As I said to Spyrow, this was a difficult movie to make... it weirds me out too. Thanks for watching!
SPOILERS ahead (too much to block out individually)

Ok, I'm going to probe a little deeper now... there will be pain... but there will be healing (to quote Dame Edna)

To start, I must once again complement Charles on the sound design. Especially the ethereal voices. My skin crawls every time I watch this, and it was the only film here where Amanda actually bureid her head in a pillow. (during the basement stairs part)

My biggest critique would be the abstractness of it all. Right off the bat it works under the theory of "the unknown being frighting", but watching it several more times, I'm not sure I get the entire story.
I really like how little dialogue there is- the entire story is told visually... but once again, after watching it a few times (and the initial shock and horror wearing off) I'm not sure I entirely understand the relationship between the (very attractive) female lead, the male, and the child..

The flashbacks were easy to pick out at first, but closer to the end, I couldn't really tell what was a flashback or not..

Regardless of that, I think this movie represents Horror more than any other here. The entire film is a build up of pending dread, and it never looses that at any point.
Finger = Gore
I'm All Yours = Ripped Jeans
Lullaby = Sheer Terror

Really good job! I'd like your interpretation of the story though- might help me figure a few things out!
Spatula said:
I'd like your interpretation of the story though- might help me figure a few things out!

Are you sure you want to know...? ;)

I will send you a PM with some background of the story. Thanks, though for the thought and effort you put in to reviewing, not just ours, but all movies in the competition. I really appreciate your comments above.

John@Bophe said:
Are you sure you want to know...? ;)

Thanks, though for the thought and effort you put in to reviewing, not just ours, but all movies in the competition. I really appreciate your comments above.

I hope people do the same for mine! The best part about these ITOOFCs is the fact that we can all bounce our ideas and critisicm off each other!
First off good job. The actress was great. The music/sound best I've seen in my viewings.

Buy your editor a beer or whatever beverage they enjoy, s/he deserves it. Spatula alluded to the impending dread in the film and that comes from the editing in my opinion/ In fact the editing sets up the films energy and pacing wonderfully.

I may need to watch it a few more times to piece it all together but from my first view here was my concern.

I think I have the basic plot. When using quick cuts as an editing style it makes it more dificult to follow a story using non-lineraity. I am assuming it is non-linear. If it isn't I'm idiot and ignore my comments. I missed the knife and the talking to the dead aspect of it but as I said will watch it again to get on the bus with everyone else who seems to understand it.

Good job.
Scooter--thanks for the kind words!
scooter said:
First off good job. The actress was great.
I will pass along your comment. She will be pleased!
The music/sound best I've seen in my viewings.
Courtesy of Charles Bunczk, my partner in Bophe.
Buy your editor a beer or whatever beverage they enjoy, s/he deserves it. Spatula alluded to the impending dread in the film and that comes from the editing in my opinion/ In fact the editing sets up the films energy and pacing wonderfully.
I'll take that one. Thanks! Charles and I collaborate evenly on all of our projects. For this particular one, I handled most all of the video editing with feedback from Charles, and he handled most all of the audio editing with feedback from me.
I missed the knife...
It was only a suggestion for a bonus point, not a requirement. ;)
and the talking to the dead aspect of it ...
There are only three lines in the movie...(hint)
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Thank you for the smaller version, I finally got to view your work!

Gonna sound like a broken record, but, sound: totally integrated with image
very effective as a surrogate character of the baby
. As mentioned, Image and sound editing built a very dramatic arch, well paced.

I don't think the flashbacks and contemporary images were confusing at all. I was a little perplexed by the narrative
Not sure if she's pulling a Medea or not, because I wasn't sure if the male was an abusive husband or an abductor

Totally the most psychologically horrifying of the submissions I've viewed so far.
Er, thanks for reminding me of childhood punishments sitting in a closet under stairs or at the top of basement stairs looking at a giant oil heater with 'arms':grrr: :angry: :cry:....I'm okay now, though:weird:

Excellent job, John!
This is the one I would pick for best sound also. The camera work is incredible. I had to watch it a few times to get it. It is sometimes hard for me to get the sublties of a movie.
Well done guys.

I really liked the beginning.

I watched it a few times and I have to say I felt like Bird.
I thougt the woman pulled a Medea.
Is that correct?

Great sound design as mentioned already.

As for critique/tips:
Try using more light and lower the electronic gain on the camera. This is noticeable in the first closeup of the woman at the beginnig. Although the electronic noise fits in the film, I think it would look better if it is added later (to a cleaner original image). That's not necessary, just a suggestion to try in the future.

As Steve said, your best work yet.
Thanks to everyone above for sharing your comments!

To Bird and DirectorX regarding the
reference. I would say that there is a similarity in action only, however the motivation is entirely different. Thanks for taking the time to try and understand the story.