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Love Squared - Streamy Awards

Calling all Indietalkers! I would really love your support on this one. YOU can now vote for the Streamy Awards! They are taking fan submissions and will award an 'Audience Choice Award.' All you need is a Twitter account (kinda lame, but it is what it is). Please follow the link and vote for @love_squared the webseries--I'm super proud of this series and all involved.

You can also be incredibly supportive and vote me for 'Best Actor in a Dramatic Series'. As well as the other fine thespians in the series I so adore.

Please take a few moments to throw down some serious love. This show has incredible potential, and the Streamy Awards are a huge deal for webseries.

And if you are REALLY feeling the love, you can repost and share this link and get all your own contacts to vote. Help us help LOVE SQARED make a mark!

Thank you so much!!!

I'm still only halfway through this series, but it's really good (both the acting and actual production/look) and I'd be shocked if it didn't pick up an award or seven. :cool: