Title: Letter From Lorca
Genre: Historical Drama
Pages: 10
On August 18, 1936, Frederico Garcia Lorca, 38 years old and arguably Spain's greatest poet, pens a letter to an American friend who asks for advice on how to become a poet. That same day he is brutally murdered by Franco's fascist thugs.
This was just optioned by an L. A. Spanish-American film-maker. He's also commissioned me to write a feature script based on the short. We need this short to be rock-solid for use in getting some funding. Any help you guys could provide will, as always, be immensely appreciated.
Genre: Historical Drama
Pages: 10
On August 18, 1936, Frederico Garcia Lorca, 38 years old and arguably Spain's greatest poet, pens a letter to an American friend who asks for advice on how to become a poet. That same day he is brutally murdered by Franco's fascist thugs.
This was just optioned by an L. A. Spanish-American film-maker. He's also commissioned me to write a feature script based on the short. We need this short to be rock-solid for use in getting some funding. Any help you guys could provide will, as always, be immensely appreciated.
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