Looking for Good Horror on YouTube and Vimeo

KDK12 is devoting all of January to indie horror. I'm looking for good indie horror on YouTube and Vimeo, that newbies to the indie world can enjoy without dishing out the dough (we'll get them there, but you gotta start somewhere). If you have a film up on Youtube or Vimeo, or know of a good one, please post it here.

In return, we'll make sure it gets some attention on our blog and included in our wiki!

Thanks all!

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If you'd like to see what we do with those souls who agree to an interview, here are two examples:

The first is about a movie that is still in production, with Paul Schattel:


The second is with Jim DeVault, about several of his films:


We do all interviews by email, unless you'd rather talk on the phone (most people seem to prefer email, gives them a chance to think, less pressure....)

It doesn't hurt...too much...heh heh :rolleyes: